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COLLEEN FELT LIKE HER ENTIRE WORLD WAS FINALLY ALIGNING AS HER FATHER PARKED HIS CAR OUT FRONT OF THE MOVIE THEATER. He looked over at his eager daughter, who was nervous but excited for her first date. Colleen had rushed home from helping her dad with paperwork, so that she had time to prepare for the night that was planned ahead. She had graduated 8th grade earlier that week, and she was finally a high schooler. It was time to celebrate. They were going to the movies to see Poltergiest.

Colleen scanned the busy street nervously, she didn't want her dad to know how nervous she was. She had played out this day in her head countless times. But it was actually happening. This was the day that she had been dreaming of. Steve asked her on a date.

Chris Carrwell nudged his daughter's shoulder once he saw the Harrington's pull onto the street. He noticed that Mr. Harrington was driving his older BMW— the one he was going to be giving to his son for his sixteenth birthday next year. Steve was sitting in the passenger seat, and he was grinning widely. Chris let out a breath, knowing that Steve must be as excited as Colleen was for their first date.

Flo was right, Steve did have feelings for her.

Colleen impatiently pulled on the door handle but Chris barked out, "Hold on! Not so fast!"

"Dad," Colleen groaned out. Not wanting a lecture.

"Don't dad me, kiddo. This is your first date, so we're going over some ground rules, all right?" He gave his daughter an arched brow so she blew out a breath before turning towards him. He couldn't help but smile at the look on her face. She was growing up so fast, and she didn't even know it. "I'm not gonna lay down the law or anything, okay? Because this is Steven we're talking about. And I know he respects you, and he respects me. He also knows I have a gun in my cabinet, so he won't pull any funny business. But just be smart, Col. Okay? Don't do anything stupid, don't wander away on your own. And if you need anything, just dial my police radio."

She nodded her head and was picking at her cuticles nervously, "I know, dad. I'll be fine."

"Okay, have fun. I love you."

Colleen grinned before leaning over and pressing a quick kiss on her dad's cheek, before pulling the door handle and opening the door. She jumped out of the car and landed on her feet with a thud before turning back towards her dad, "I love you too!"

And without another word, she shut the door behind her and made her way towards the entrance of the movie theater. She stood there, bouncing her foot up and down nervously as her eyes searched around the crowded street for Steve. It was opening night for the movie, so almost the whole town was here. She noticed Will Byers walk past with his mom, Joyce— along with a few more of their friends. She waved once her cousin, Mike, noticed her, and then she noticed that Dustin Henderson was with them too. She would babysit Dustin every once and a while if she needed some extra cash. She turned around once she heard her name being called, "Hey! Col!"

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