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THE SILENCE FROM THE CALL WAS ECHOING. She could hear Billy's breathing, it was panicked and uneven. He hasn't even said one word, but she could sense how frantic he was. She repeated herself again, "Billy? Are you there? What is it? What's happening? Billy?"

"I— I don't know. I'm—" She could hear his shaky breath. He sounded more meek than usual. It was soft, and in a scared whisper. Almost like he was hiding from someone, or something. "Colleen, please. I'm scared, I'm sc— I need you to find me. I'm— Help me."

The line went dead.

She could hear a beep from outside and see Lizzie's car parked out front of her house. She still had the phone tightly in her hand and her breathing was uneven. She wiped away a stray tear from under her eye that she hadn't even known had fallen. She needed to find him.

She quickly hung up the phone and went to turn around. But stopped suddenly. Her eyes trained on the bow and arrow that was propped beside her nightstand, and her butterfly knife that she knew was in that top drawer. If he was in danger, she needed a weapon.

Colleen ran over to her drawer and pulled her knife from the drawer, stuffing it into her overnight bag. She then picked up her bow, with her quiver full of arrows. She pulled it over her shoulder and quickly made her descent downstairs, ignoring Six's questions as he noticed the determination plastered on her face.

The brunette quickly trotted towards Lizzie's car and she opened the backseat, placing down her overnight bag, as well as her bow and arrow. Lizzie raised an eyebrow and Colleen climbed into the front seat without saying a word.

"Earth to Colleen, what is going on?" Lizzie waved a hand in front of her best friend's face after she had ignored her the first three times.

Colleen finally snapped out of her trance and looked over at Lizzie, "It's Billy. I think he's in danger. We need to get there, now!"

Lizzie didn't move. She didn't budge to put her car in park. She just kept staring at a shaking Colleen. "Hey, don't you think that it he's in danger, we should call for help. Tell Chief."

"No, Lizzie, we need to go, now. You don't understand. I heard him— I heard." Screams. She couldn't fully hear them, but they were there. They were lingering in the background. She could tell that he had been screaming. She reached for her friend's hand, "Please."

Lizzie nodded her head and headed down the street, down Cornwallis and towards Motel 6. It wasn't far for the Cartwell house. Only a matter of minutes, and when they arrived there was no sign of Billy's car anywhere. He wasn't there.

Colleen opened the car door and made her way into the motel. There was an older gentleman working the front counter, watching television. He offered a small greeting as the girl made her way up to the counter. "Hi, my boyfriend had booked a room here. Has he checked in yet? The name would be under Hargrove, Billy."

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