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WHEN COLLEEN WOKE UP, SHE REALIZED THAT HER WRISTS WERE BOUND TO THE CHAIR SHE WAS SITTING ON. There was a rolled up towel being used as a gag placed between her teeth and wrapped around the back of her head. She could see Tom and Janet Holloway from the distance, laying on the ground with something connected to their faces. It looked like a huge pile of flesh, attached to their mouths. It was dark and quiet in the room, she could barely see anything around her other than the light bouncing through the window from a street lamp. It was still night time, the same night.

Colleen tugged her arms to her sides, trying to see if there was any way of freeing herself. But she felt stuck. She was stuck there. Her chest felt like it was about to collapse into itself.

She heard footsteps walking from behind her and she turned her head to see Heather walking over towards her parents. She still had that lifeless look in her eyes. She was alive, but it was like her mind was no longer her own. She yanked on her restraints once more, which caused Heather to turn her head towards her friend. Her head tilted to the side once again, like she was inspecting Colleen carefully. Heather never tilted her head like that. This was definitely not Heather.

"Hey there, Colleen," Heather made her way across the floor over to where the girl was being restrained. She crouched down in front of her, and this was the first time Colleen actually got a good look at her face. Lifeless eyes, sweat beading down her temples, dark circles under her eyes. Heather placed a hand on Colleen's thigh which made the curly haired brunette flinch away from her. Her hand was hot, burning hot. It was the same way Billy's hand had been from the locker room. "Don't worry, Colleen. It'll all be over soon, but we have plans for you." Another head tilt, "Big plans."

Colleen struggled against her bounds again, trying desperately to free herself. She was screaming through the gag, which only made a sinister smile appear on Heather's face.

"That's enough, Heather."

As soon as she heard his voice, her body froze. It was Billy. Or at least, whatever was possessing Billy. He wants me to hurt you. She remembered those words from the other night. He.

Billy walked over to his girlfriend, pulling the gag out of her mouth. Colleen glared up at him with clenched teeth. "Who are you? What the hell do you want with Billy, with all of them?"

Billy cracked a smile, "I am Billy."

Colleen shook her head, "Like hell you are. Who are you? Who the fuck are y—" Billy rolled his eyes and pulled the gag back up and into her mouth, as she continued screaming into it.

"Tsk tsk tsk," Billy stood up from his crouching position. And he crossed her arms across his chest as he stared down at Colleen. "I was going to wait a while, but I guess it's time."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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