Occult - hidden knowledge
Esoteric - known or enjoyed by few
Witchcraft - spiritual practice including spellwork ect
Wicca - a modern pagan religion
Paganisim - belief systems based on pre-christian religions such as ancient Egyptian (hellenism)
Satanism - an athiest religion that uses satan as a symbol of individualism and rebelion against christian norm
Spirituality - a set of beliefs based on concepts such as the human soul and meditation
Demonology - study of demons
Demonolatry - worship of demomsAngelology - study of angels
Angelolatry - worship of angels
occult grimoire
SpiritualHi occultists, magicians and witches. This is like a public grimoire which will probably be ongoing for a while. it'll cover the basics like sigils, demonology, crystals and a whole range of topics.