protection magick

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One of the most important and beginner freindly, all witches should practice protection magick as it protects from unwated energies, people, entities ect.
This that correspond with protection are the colour black, the pentacle, salt ect.
The easiest form of protection magick is making a spell jar for protection by using things such as salt, obsidian ect.

Types of protection magick
Warding - when you want to "ward" off something. For example making a ward to ward off curses and hexed
Banishing - getting rid of something thats already there such as a bad spirit
Baneful - this is its own umbrella term that includes things such as hexes ect
Jinx - a very small bad thing sent someones way such as a bit of bad luck
Hex - to inconvenient a person quite a bit such as sending bugs or making them ill
Curse - a very strong hex that can hex a whole bloodline and is very advanced.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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