2: Mother's Plan Goes Down In Flames

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"Welcome, everyone, to the first and only Capitol Games," Effie Trinket says with forced-sounding excitement. "I'm Effie Trinket, the master of ceremonies. I should introduce the one and only: Katniss Everdeen." Katniss walks across the balcony where she killed President Coin just weeks ago. The balcony holds two huge glass balls filled with slips of paper.
Slips of paper with our names on them. With children, twelve to eighteen, who will back out because of a broken nail. My name is is there. My best friends's. Katniss steps up to the mic.
"Hi, everyone. My name is Katniss Everdeen, and I'm going to pull six names from each bowl," she says grimly. "Ladies first, according to Effie." She dips her hand deep in the pile of names and pulls one out from the very bottom. She repeats this five more times and takes all six names to the microphone with her.
She says the names of Winter Lonon, a girl from school, two girls I don't know name Twyla and Cecile, Malta, my dad's friend's daughter, and I get the shock of my life.
"Dia Muria," Katniss announces. Dia gasps, and I help her from fainting. Her teal eyes send a shock of horror through me. I help her up, and she stands tall. She storms up to the front of the crowds.
Katniss switches to the final name and gasps before she reads it.
"Sorry. Our final female tribute is Aria Bix," Katniss says through a gulp. I feel my heartbeat speed up, then slow down as I make my way forward to the line of my five competitors. Katniss walks to the boys's ball and swipe six slips from the side. "Competing for our boys will be Cer Bohim," she begins. She names off boys named Marsh, Kreiger, Gavin, Bren, and, the worst of all, Treva. After they are named, I give the three-finger salute first out of everyone watching the Reaping. All twelve of us are taken to the Training Center, given a floor, a stylist, and a trainer. I'm given floor 12, Katniss and Peeta's floor the past 2 years.
I walk out of the elevator, lead by Effie Trinket.
"I think you'll really like it here, Aria. It's amazing, honestly! A whole penthouse only for you," Effie smiles, leading me our of the elevator. I look around, and spot Katniss smiling at me from the direction of the table.
"Katniss!" I exclaim. "You're my trainer?"
"Yeah. I figured I owed you, Aria," she admits.
"Thank you," I smile. "Who's Peeta training?"
"Treva, I think is his name," Katniss says.
"Yep. Treva," I smile brighter to hide the pain and the happiness. Pain, because I'm being forced to fight against my best friends, and happiness because I know we'll both make it out alive and we're both in good hands. "Cecile?"
"Beetee, I think. She's in great hands, too," Katniss assures me.
"Enobaria. She'll become a fierce competitor. Watch out."
"Wow. I- I never imagined this," I admit.
"That's how I felt before each Reaping. When Prim was Reaped, I couldn't watch her get killed," she remembers. Her smile fades.
"I'm sorry about Prim," I tell her.
"Thank you. She was a big part of my life," Katniss smiles again. "So, should I show you around?"

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