10: The Tribute Parade

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"Aria! Come show us!" Effie squeals. Since I has an almost-perfect score, I stand in my room wearing a long, dark-green dress with thick, high-heeled boots that go up past my knees. My dress goes to my ankles, and my hair is in a long side braid, like Katniss's.
I open my door and walk out, hoping I look decent. I can sense the dark-green makeup on my eyes and all the other unnatural beauty products Effie put on me. I watch Effie's eyes widen and Katniss's gave soften.
"She looks amazing, doesn't she, Katniss?" Effie asks.
"Aria, we should go now," Katniss smiles. Effie looks like she's about to cry.
"Effie?" I manage. I've been silent this whole time and speaking feels odd.
"You're going to be amazing, Aria," she smiles.
"Thanks, Effie," I say, leaning over to give her a hug. She gently pushes me back.
"You can't wrinkle your dress! Go go go!" She exclaims, shooing us toward the elevator. I step on after Katniss and push the button to go to the floor we need. After a few silent moments, the doors open to Peeta and Treva's level, and the two step in.
"Aria-" Treva says, but looses the ability to speak. I see Peeta smile at Katniss from the corner of my eye.
"Yeah, Treva?" I ask.
"You- you look amazing," he stutters.
"Thanks," I smile. He leans in and kisses me, and I feel a shock, remembering that Katniss and Peeta are with us. He leans away, and I smile awkwardly to the ground.
"He told me, Aria. Don't worry," Peeta says reassuringly.
"And Peeta told me," Katniss laughs. I glance at Treva, and realize he's wearing a suit with the same color green as my dress.
"We match," I start to laugh, but my voice cracks.
"The tributes were paired for each carriage. You and I got paired up," he explains.
"Oh," is all I can manage. I still feel embarrassed. I realize we're on the floor we need to be on, and the door opens, and the ticking time bomb of the official countdown til the Games starts in my head.
"Are you ready?" Treva asks, and he takes my hand. I look around. We're the second-to-last float and I spot each pair. Dia and Cer, Cecile and Marsh, Kreiger and Malta, Gavin and Twyla, Winter and Bren. I look him in the eyes, and time seems to stop.
"As I'll ever be," I sigh. "Nothing's going to change between us, right?" I ask.
"Not unless you betray me," Treva says.
"Good," I say, and I lean over to kiss him. I don't want to, but it means nothing to either of us. I pull away and huff. "This feels so awkward!"
"It'll be over when the Games are," he smiles. I hug him.
"Chariots ready!" A woman's voice shouts, and I watch Dia and Cer pull out, and the blood-red cape on her back flies out. After the next three go, we're next. I take Treva's hand as our chariot pulls out. I feel my dress begin to wave all over the place, but I stay as I am.
"Katniss and Peeta?" Treva asks.
"Of course," I smile. We lift our arms with our intertwined fingers in the air, and the crowd goes wild, whistling and clapping and shouting. I feel weird, doing what our trainers did, but they won, so maybe, just maybe, we can too. We stop next to Cecile and Marsh's chariot. "Maybe we shouldn't pretend to be I'm love."
"Why?" Treva asks.
"It's like we're taking Katniss and Peeta's spotlight. It was their thing. Let it be," I try to convince him.
"Okay, all right. But I'm sure that got attention," he whispers.
"I am too," I admit. Twyla and Gavin end beside us, and President Paylor stars to give a speech. I zone out, and discreetly watch the crowd look over us. I spot all the victors and Gamemakers that trained the others. I imagine my family, Treva's and Dia's, and all the other tributes's.
"Good luck tributes, and may the odds he ever in your favor!" President Paylor finishes, and the crowd erupts in applause.

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