7: The Apologizing Warrior

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"Aria?" Dia says, clearly shocked, as I walk into training the next morning.
"Hi, Dia," I mutter. I spot the rest of my team at the sword fighting area. Uh-oh. I walk over, but Dia stops me.
"Hey, listen. I'm so sorry about yesterday. I was just getting really into training, and you respectively tried to help. That's gonna help lots in the Games," Dia apologizes. "Cecile didn't get too broken, I promise."
"It's okay. It just sorta hurts to breathe," I admit.
"Enobaria has just really gotten to me. I think she forgets we're not in the actual Hunger Games."
"Maybe. She was a really fierce warrior."
"She wants me to be one, and I won't disappoint her," Dia says fearlessly, a look of psychoticness in her eyes. I back away.
"Dia, you'll be a great warrior. But save your best skills for the Games. Surprise people," I offer.
"Oh, I will," I hear Dia mutter almost silently. I start going to my team. I see them talking to Peeta. Why would he be here? I walk over.
"Thanks, Peeta," smiles Treva as I walk up. He doesn't notice me, but Cecile does.
"Oh my god! Aria!" She squeals, tackling me in a hug. I gasp and fall over.
"Hi," I manage. Her arm is squeezing my side, making it even harder to breathe.
"Cecile, let go of her!" Treva laughs. Cecile unlatches herself from me, and I take huge gulps of air with a smile on my face. Treva offers me his hand, and I take it. He helps me to my feet.
"Thanks," I say. Peeta stares at us, surprised. "Hi, Peeta. Thank you for watching over me yesterday. I appreciate it."
"You're a great kid with the best trainer possible. I felt like I should've helped," Peeta admits.
"Thanks," I smile.
"Well, you should get to training. Treva, be careful," Peeta warns and walks away. I look at Treva.
"Did Peeta give you advice? Why would you need to be careful?" I ask.
"Aria, we're going into the Hunger Games. We'll need it," he laughs.
"Can I catch a ride with you?" Treva asks as the elevator doors close. I open them and he jumps it. The Center lights go off, and I watch it disappear.
"We show our skills tomorrow," I say, dazed. I have to show what I can do so I have a chance.
"Yeah. It'll be easy. Be yourself," Treva offers.
"Thanks. I'll be a socially-awkward idiot," I joke. Treva puts his hand on my shoulder as the floor dings 10.
"You'll do great," he smiles. He plants a kiss on my lips, and I stand there, paralyzed with shock. The doors open to his floor and he waves good night. I wave back with a probably stupid look on my face. I watch the doors close and open again to my floor.
"He what?" Katniss shouts, spitting out whatever was in her mouth.
"Another star-crossed lovers Games!" Effie says joyously.
"Effie, this could be an act," Katniss nervously spits.
"But think about it, Katniss!" Effie exclaims. She pops up from the couch and looks deeply into my eyes. "Are you willing to act?" Do I have to act, honestly?
Maybe there's a chance it won't be acting.
"I- yeah, yes I am," I gulp. Effie points me to my room.
"Good night, my tribute. You have a big day tomorrow!" She squeals. I wave goodnight and go to my room. I shut the door and a wave of drowsiness hits me like a slap to the face. I decide to take a shower.
After I strip of my uniform, I turn on the shower. Just like the one at home. I switch on the hot setting and the water washes over me. I take my ponytail out and my hair flops on my back and spreads out. I look down, and I find my longest scar over my side.
I trace it with my finger. It's not really from the Games, but it's a sad reminder. I feel a shock of pain, but I don't both or flinching. I wash myself and turn the shower off. I wrap a warm blue towel around myself and walk out into my room.
I see a remote, and I flick it on, and a window opens up to the city. I heard Katniss say it used to be a screen with images on it, but I like it this way. It has a view of the whole Capitol, and I spot my house. It looks so small, but it's home. I go and pull on my nightgown that was left for me and come back to the window. I curl up in a ball and look at the city until my eyes force themselves to close.

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