19: The End

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   I open my eyes. I'm back in my body. My foot hurts the most awful it ever has, and I'm at breaking point. Treva won.
I'm alive!
"Treva," I splutter. He turns around as the hovercraft appears overhead and a smile appears over his face, the biggest and brightest and happiest I've ever seen.
"Aria!" He cries, running over to me. He takes me away from Dia so they can pick her up. He cups my head in his hands and kisses me, but we both know this isn't for the Games or anything. This is sheer, pure happiness that your best friend isn't dead.
"I'm alive," I smile.
"You're alive!" He exclaims.
"Ladies and gentlemen," a voice says. "May I present to you the winners of the Capitol Games."
The winners. We won.
"We won!" I manage.
"We won. We really did," he says, pulling me into a hug. It feels perfect, alive, a winner, my best friend. I pull my first note from Katniss from our camp and we run through the forest.
"I saw you," I admit as we jog through the trees.
"What?" He asks.
"When I was dead. I had some sort of angel and I saw you, Dia, Mom, Dad, Cecile, Katniss and Peeta. You really care about me, huh?"
"Of course. I don't know how long you were dead for, but it felt like forever," he explains. We run in silence until we get to the clearing, and the hovercraft meets us at the Cornicopia. A ladder drops down, and I climb it, Treva right below me. When I get in, Katniss and Peeta greet us.
"Aria!" She exclaims, running to me to hug me. "You're alive!"
"It's a shocker for everyone," I say.
"You did great, Treva," Peeta smiles.
"Thanks," Treva says shyly. He walks to me and takes my hand. "I couldn't loose her."
"And I couldn't loose her," Peeta smiles, taking Katniss's hand.
"Congratulations, Aria and Treva," Katniss smiles.

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