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Operation: Tiger Bomb.
Truffles fiddled with his vodka and Sprite, watching the alcoholic drink slosh around in its red solo cup. His claws tapped the plastic in a rhythmic beat to the funky song playing in the room.
Around him the noise was joyous.
Men cheered and hollered in excitement; some played cards in the corner, others talked in groups of their own, grabbing their friend's shoulders and laughing. Alex— the lion from the claw training months back— had his claws extended as he arm wrestled with Jarvis. The two felines hissed in each others faces, yet they both wore smiles of friendly respect in their competition. Alex just barely brought his arm down, winning the match and throwing both arms in the air in victory. The men who were watching the match chanted his name, Jarvis drinking from his beer in response to his lost battle. Unsurprisingly, Jacks was off in the corner gossiping loudly about other soldiers he found to be ignorant.
It was a familiar sight.
To celebrate The Tiger General agreeing to "negotiate" with Animalia(he had been offered riches in return) the entire Animalia camp threw a party, especially for Flippy, Mouse, and Sneaky— the 3 valiant heroes who stepped up to a near impossible mission that would put an end to this war once and for all.
And in all honesty, Truffles felt conflicted.
Truffles had the royal status, the inherited riches, the legions that would fight for his name once he became king. He had sided with the enemy for justice and peace, a brave choice that nearly killed him. But for some reason, he felt hollow.
I think it's because the last time I was at a party, I was drugged... but I'm also worried. This plan is barely a plan— it's messy at best, and pure luck reliant. What if my friends don't come home-?

Flippy, Mouse, and Sneaky approached him, all three smiling happily. Flippy seemed the least drunk out of the trio, guiding his two drunk friends around while they stumbled from the alcohol. The trio approached Truffles, Flippy noticing him first.
"Hey Stripes! What's up?"

The world could be saved from decades of damnation, but it all counts on three people. Three people who have no idea just how sinister their foe is.
The General lets others fight his battles... I used to be his top choice to handle disputes. I was his dog and nothing more. He's not going down without dragging you six feet below purgatory, where not even the stars shine.
The icy anxiety leaked out of his expression, even as he tried to hide his emotions.
"Flippy... I am worried... about this."

Unbothered, Flippy brushed his friend's concerns off as if it were flies buzzing around his ears, grinning widely with content.
"Don't worry about it! Lighten up a little. We never get to relax like this."

Truffles flicked his tail.
You don't understand. My friend... you may be as strong as ten men, but can you outmatch a man as intelligently skilled as ten men?

Something poked his side.

"Oiiii Mr. Stripebutt, where's.... Where—"

Mouse hiccuped, the noise coming out as a squeak. Flippy patted his friend on the head, grabbed him, and began walking towards the foldable table that had alcohol selections and water. Sneaky followed wordlessly, smiling even still, holding a red solo cup in his hand.

Perhaps he's right.
I'm worrying for no reason; they'll be ok. I should trust his word, friend to friend.
Truffles followed the trio as they walked towards the tables and grabbed waters, Flippy handing one each to Mouse and Sneaky to bring them back to sobriety. He patted each one on the back as they took a bottle and untwisted the caps, drinking.
Silently observing, Truffles noticed the soft look in Flippy's eyes as he smiled at his friends with caring affection and trust that ran deep, like mangrove roots that could weather a hurricane. He guided them when they needed it, making sure his friends were ok with each step they took and protecting them from harm; in return, Mouse and Sneaky kept him in check, helping him through his moments of weakness whenever he becomes triggered. There was an unspoken mutual respect between all three of them, and it was pleasantry to see.
But will that part of you remain if the worst happens?

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