Chapter 1-3 Welcome to Lackadaisy

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It is now nighttime, and Tony felt exhausted after working to the bones on his first day. It was rough. There were some customers coming around the morning. As some time passes by, less people come by. Tony checked the clock on the wall. It's 11:30 PM.

Tony sighed in relief knowing the day is done. He took off the apron, and left it on the chair. Once he turns, he sees Ivy just standing there. Which spooked Tony a little.

"Biscuits, don't sneak up on me like that." Tony jumped. "Sorry, I was just waiting for you to be finished with the apron." Ivy said. "Right." Tony said. "Now that the shift is done. There's something important you need to know." Ivy said. "What is it?" Tony asked. Ivy grabs his hand, and gives him a pin. Tony looks at his hand, and notices it's a club pin. He realizes it's a club pin. And figure out what club it is.

"I don't believe it. It's a club pin. A lackadaisy pin." Tony said. "That's right, Mitzy would like to talk to you. Lickety split." Ivy said. Tony's eyes go wide. "Wait, a word with me? Right now?" Tony said with shock. "Right now. Oh and you have to bring your two brothers with you." Ivy added. "Wait a minute, why?" Tony questioned.

"She said it's very urgent for you and your brothers to be here. She wants to welcome you to her club. Oh and, your little brother sneaked out and discovered our secret place last night." Ivy said. Tony face palms at this. Knowing full well who sneaked out? "It was John if I had to guess." Tony assumes.

"Yep. All he wanted to do was surprise her. But little did he know, Mitzy was already ready for him when he felt like she followed." Ivy said. "I see. Alright then, I'll go fetch my brothers." Tony said. "Right, I'll let her know you're coming down. Make sure to show the club pin to Bruno. I'll also let him know too." Ivy said. "Okay." Tony replied.

Tony makes his way to the second floor of the apartment and stops at his room number 7. He opens the door to see his two brothers were about to change. Getting ready to sleep. "Guys, hold your clothes. We're not going to sleep just yet." Tony said. Two boys looked at him with a confused look. "We're not?" James and Johnny both said.

"Not yet anyway, not get your shoes on. We have to be there for the important meeting with Mitzy." Tony announced. "What? Why do we have to go? James asked. "Because Ivy told me that Mitzy said it's very urgent. That's all I know. But here's the big scoop. We're invited to the lackadaisy club, and we are welcomed here." Tony announced.

"Wait, what did you just say? As in, the lackadaisy?" James said. "Yes, that club that our father told us about." Tony said. "Well what are we waiting for, let's go." Johnny said. "Very well then." James gets off the bed. James and Johnny put on their shoes, and headed for the door. When James is out of sight. Tony stopped Johnny with his arm.

"And don't think I know about your little night time shenanigans. Johnny's mouth opens, realizing he now knows Johnny sneaked out last night. "Yes John, I was told about what you did. But I will deal with you later. Right now, we mustn't keep them waiting." Tony gestures to him to go on ahead.

Johnny went out next. Then Tony went out, closing the door. He locks the door. "Hey, what's taking you guys?" James said. James and Tony regroup with James. And they head on out. Once they got outside. They see someone waiting at the cafe. A gray cat, making a grin. "How do you do, fellow newcomers? Fine night isn't it?" He said.

"Let's just hurry this up." Tony said, about to be impatient. "Of course, I'll get the door. He checks his pockets while looking left and right if there's anyone watching. Tony taps his foot. Waiting. "Now where is that damn- Ah, there you are. He pulls out a key from his pockets. He unlocks the door, and opens for the three boys. Right this way gentlemen." He gestures to them at the door.

The three brothers enter the cafe. The gray cat comes in next. And locks the door. "Okay, so where to now?" James asked. "Here. They turn to see the source of the voice is Ivy. Pointing at the pantry. "The pantry? Why here?" James asked. "You'll see." Ivy gestures to them to come. The three brothers go to the pantry.

When they got there, to their shock. They see the pantry is a door. A secret door. "What in the world? James said with his mouth open. "A secret entrance." Tony said. "No time to dilly dally." The gray cat said with a grin. The three boys head down the steps.

When they arrive they see a cat in a tuxedo. Tony guesses this one is a bouncer. "You're Bruno right? I got the club pin." Tony takes out the pin, and shows him. The bouncer named Bruno. He takes a quick look. And sees he does indeed carry the club pin of lackadaisy. "I see you must be the robin brothers. He opens the door. Welcome to lackadaisy robin brothers." Bruno said in a kind voice.

"Thank you Bruno." Johnny said. The three brothers enter. The three brothers look in awe at the size of the area. "Wow, the club is in a cave." Johnny said as he looked around. "Hey don't stray away. This is no tour." Tony said. "I know big brother. I was just a little excited." Johnny said. "Well I do say, it does look impressive." James said.

"So I see the robin boys made it." The three turn their focus to see Mitzy. "Hi Mitzy." Johnny waves. "Hello John. She waves at him. Glad you all could make it here." Mitzy said. "Now that we're all present. Now comes the important question: Why are we here? And why do you want to see us here anyway?" Tony asked.

"Let's all take a seat over there. Mitzy points to the table and four rows of red chairs. That we can all get comfortable. Mitzy and the three brothers go to the red chairs and sit down. Mitzy and Johnny sit on the first two chairs. While Tony and James sit on the other two chairs. Ivy and the gray cat with a grin stand and listen to the discussion. "Comfy?" Mitzy asked them. "Yes ma'am." Johnny said.

"Now that all the robin brothers are here. I think it's time we cut to the chase. I know what you are. And what family you came from." Mitzy said. Tony and James eyes wide. "You do?" James asked. "Yes, you belong to the robin family. When I first heard that name, It became clear that you three are the offspring's of Wayne robin. The founder of the speakeasy club, Phoenix. Am I wrong?" Mitzy waits for an answer.

There was silence, then the other members of the lackadaisy heard this, and turned their head and body around. While the bartender with an eye patch stares. And listen carefully. Ivy and the gray cat gasp at this reveal.

"The phoenix? You three have a dad who was the founder of the Phoenix club?" Ivy said with a surprise reaction. "A HA, So it's true! The little birdies still chirp." He said. "Rocky?" Mitzy motions the gray cat named Rocky to settle down. "Oh, sorry Miss M." Rocky said. "Then I guess your Atlas's wife right? If I remember correctly. Tony guesses.

"I am." Mitzy answers. "I knew that last name sounded familiar. I remember dad saying they have an important guest coming. He mentioned you and Atlas. But we didn't see you in person because the meeting is too important." Tony explains. "It's about forming a partnership with us." Mitzy said. "Dad was about to form an alliance with lackadaisy?" Tony said with a flabbergasted tone.

"Did it go well for both clubs?" James asked. "Well, it was going to. If that incident didn't occur. Two actually." Rocky added. "Oh, right." Johnny said with his head down, looking at a table. They notice Johnny's sad look in his eyes. It was obvious they knew what. Ivy gives him a grump look at Rocky, for making the little kid be gloomy.

"I would say, but I think our little brother's emotion speaks for itself." James said. "The incident where you lost everything, even your parents?" Ivy asked. Tony nodded his head in response. "We lost our mom, our dad, and possibly. Our rest of the family. We didn't even see what happened. All we heard was gunshots. And the bouncer of our club. Helped us escape. That was all we know. We only know half of it. But the bouncer did tell us grave news. James stayed silent for five seconds as they waited for a concluded answer. Our father...was shot and killed." James said.

There were several gasps and chatter from the members after hearing James say that. Johnny had heard enough, and is about to be on the verge of tears. Ivy went to go and comfort him with a hug. "It's ok, it's ok." Ivy tries her best to comfort him with her words.

"It's ok to let it out John, I had to let my tears flow when I lost my husband. I know how you all feel. Truly, I do." Mitzy added, also trying to comfort Johnny. Tony stayed silent. Clenching his trousers. "I need to stop right there. I don't think our little brother could take more of this. And neither could I." James said.

"Don't beat yourself. I didn't have good luck with my life either. I had my own ups and downs. Had to move, got kicked out, trying to find purpose. And my life has led me here. He points at the floor of the club. It was a tough road for me, but it didn't stop the likes of me to keep going." Rocky said. While James thought he was a little crazy. But all of his ramblings did ease him. "As much as I find you an odd cat, I think that makes me feel better. James admits to Rocky. Rocky responds with a happy smile.

"Really? Thank you, glad Rocky Rickaby could help. Rocky said. "Miss Atlas, I am very sorry for your loss." Tony finally spoke. "Thank you sweetheart." Mitzy replied. "So long have you known our father?" Tony asked. "Well, we did have a nice talk. I say, he was a gentleman. But sadly, it's the only time I ever got to know Wayne before we both lost our loved ones. I'm sorry boys. I wish I could tell you more. But all I can say is, your father is a good man." Mitzy said.

"So, what happens now?" Johnny wondered. "Well that's where the offer comes in." Mitzy said. "What kind of offer do you propose?" Tony wondered. "Ivy?" Mitzy motions her to give her the spotlight. "Oh right. Ivy clears her throat to concentrate. Miss M wants to give you two an opportunity to join. If you want." Ivy said.

"But aiding us does help you three to provide for yourself. Makes you wonder if working in one cafe would be enough, or leaving poor James here to be useless." Rocky gestures to James. James stood up from his chair.

"Who ya calling me useless? I watch my little brother ya know." James said feeling irritated. "But did you watch him well? Or did you somehow slip when the little robin sneaked out to find our secret club?" Rocky said. James was about to counter the argument. But stops himself.

Because he knows he is right, so he has nothing to counter his argument. "Well, you are right about that one." James admits defeat. "I thought so, maybe you can also help us out as well?" Rocky said. "Maybe, that is if Tony would allow me." James said.

"He can, but not your little brother." Mitzy said. Johnny jolts up. "Huh? Why not?" Johnny asked. "Because you're still a child. We can't allow you to go with us, knowing how dangerous it can get when it comes to retrieving the goods. You're eleven years old John. James is sixteen, still young, yes. But he's still old enough to lend a hand. And has to babysit you to keep you out of danger." Tony said.

"We got out of danger before. And I can keep doing it again." Johnny argued. "I said no Johnny. And no means no. I may allow you to stay in the club to either wander, or stay safe from any suspicious folks out there. But I will not allow my little brother to partake in this violence that I know we can't avoid. We lost enough, and I don't want to lose you." Tony continues to argue with his little brother.

"Listen kid, I know you really want to help. But your big brother has spoken. And I have to take his side." Rocky said. "But I don't think he's not around if there's gonna be an important meeting, or if. Ivy pauses for a moment to find the right words. Anything crazy happens that no children should be around to see." Ivy said.

"If I can't go here, where will I stay? I don't want to be all by myself in the apartment." Johnny said. "Luckily for you, I have a solution." Rocky said. "And what that may be?" Tony asked. "Simple, I'll just ask my aunt Nina. I am sure she would take him under her wing." Rocky suggested. "How will we know if she'll say yes?" James wondered.

"Just let me do the talking. Maybe I can convince her." Rocky said. "I don't know, but I guess it's the only option we have." James said. "So what do you guys say?" Ivy asked.

Tony and James pondered, and started to think. Tony eventually came to a conclusion to the offer. "As long as everything is well assured. So I will be able to provide for my brothers. Getting food, and rest. I think I'll accept." Tony said. "I second that. I know I might not be well, useful. But I'll do my best." James added.

"If that's your answer. Mitzy holds the club pin. Ivy also holds two club pins. Tony and James take the club pins from Ivy's paws. Mitzy held the pin to Johnny. "Welcome to lackadaisy Robins." Johnny takes the club pin.

"Now that it is settled, would you like to meet my aunt and my cousin, little fella?" Rocky asked Johnny. Johnny tilted his head when he mentioned cousin. "Wait, your cousin lives with your aunt Nina?" Johnny asked. "That's right, the little go-getter is his mom. I think you would like my cousin. He's a nice fellow." Rocky said.

"Well, I guess It wouldn't hurt to meet some new faces." Johnny said. "That's the spirit. Onward to the My aunt's residence." Rocky points towards the exit like he's leading the charge. "Please be careful when driving Rocky." Ivy said with a worried look.

"No worries Miss Pepper. I'll have him in the backseat for safety purposes. I used the wheels before." Rocky said as Johnny followed him to the doors. Rocky opens the door for Johnny as he leaves first. Then Rocky leaves next. Closing the door behind him.

"Now that Rocky has left to find him an optional home. Let's talk about how you can help us. Are you boys ready to listen?" Mitzy waits for the two to answer. "Whenever you're ready." Tony replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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