Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch go on a date/mission

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(Requested by LCorbett04 . This is the first one that didn't reach 1k words, but I was really stuck on this one. I did my best, and I got as close as possible to my goal. It reached a natural end. I'm sorry if it's not what you were hoping for.)

"So, do you like our date so far?"

Wanda laughs, blasting an enemy away with a burst of power. "Yes, Pete. I'm liking our date so far." She turns around and grasps an enemy with her psionic grip before pulling her hand closed, pulling all of the air out of their lungs before dropping them, the enemy unconscious.

She hears a sound of exertion from behind her, along with the familiar thwip of a web. "Hey, out in the field, it's Spidey, thank you very much." She sees an enemy in front of her get sent backwards due to a web, their back hitting a tree and getting stuck to the bark.

She huffs, smiling as she turns to fire a blast at an enemy in a tree. "If you want me to stop addressing you by your name, stop addressing me by mine." Wanda fired back, not angry at all. She used her powers to float herself into the air before dropping, hitting the ground and expending a ground wave of her power. Peter jumped into a tree to avoid the attack.

"Kids, now is not the time to flirt." Nat lectured over comms, and they could hear gunfire on her end.

"Oh, I don't know, Natashalie, this could be the only time they actually do flirt." Tony responded, and they could all hear the grin in his voice.

"Nat is right, now is not the time for that. You can do it later." Steve sided with Nat, and Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Dad, you're only saying that because you're in love with her." Wanda speaks, looking over and grinning at Peter in the tree. She uses her magic to throw someone high in the air, then watches as Peter fires a web at them. The enemy flies to a tree due to the force of the web, then the web sticks them to the tree.

Tony snickers over the line. "Ha! She got you, Capsicle!" Tony laughs, then goes, "Woah!" As he seemingly dodges out of the way of a blast. At least, she was guessing.

"Tony..." Nat says with a sigh attached, then she speaks again, "Wanda, be nicer to your father." She tells the young witch.

"But, mom! He always agrees with you! Clearly, he's blinded by love." She defends herself.


"Fine, sorry, dad. Won't happen again." Wanda apologizes.

"It's okay, Wanda. There is no need to be sorry. It is the truth afterall." Steve responds.

"Steve..." Nat sighs his name this time.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you interrupted mine and Wanda's scheduled date tonight, and I had a reservation booked at this really nice restaurant. We can flirt if we want to." Peter sighs, then jumps off of the tree before swinging to more gunfire. Wanda pushes herself up using energy then floats after him.

"C'mon, the kid has a point. Let them flirt. You don't hear us telling you and Stevie to stop when you two do it." Tony said, then they heard a repulsor blast.

"When me and Steve-" Nat gets interrupted by Steve himself.

"Tony's right. You two can flirt, but keep it kid friendly." Steve compromised.

"Dad, I'm sevent-"

"Kid. Friendly." Steve said with finality.

Peter swallowed. "Kid friendly it is, Mister Captain America Rogers sir." Wanda laughed as his response as she used her magic to throw someone into a tree idly.

Landing, she glanced around. She heard energy charge up and turned around, but she didn't have time to react. Then a force hit her side, and she went tumbling down a hill. When she stopped rolling, she realized she wasn't on the ground, and her head was being cradled.

Pulling her head up, she looked down at Peter. "Thank you." Peter nods, which she can see. She then slaps his arm, and he winces, which she can't see, but knows it happened anyways. "But dumb." She grips onto the bottom of his mask and pulls it up before pecking his kips, sliding it back down. "You're my hero." Then she stands back up and floats up the hill.

"Are you mad or glad...? Women are confusing..." Peter muttered as he webbed a tree and shot up, doing a backtuck and hitting two guys with webs before hitting the ground. Ducking under a shot, he webs the barrel of a gun and pulls it away.

Doing a handspring, he transitions immediately into a kick, hitting their chest and sending them flying backwards. Turning, he dodged a punch and gave them one himself. He jumped and bicycle kicked the guy towards Wanda, who then dodged their attack. She used her magic to push the guy Peter threw down, while simultaneously throwing the enemy she was fighting to people, who choke slammed them into the ground.

Moving back-to-back, he heard Wanda giggle. "Best date ever." She said, and he smiled.

"Really?" He asked with excitement. He wanted to give her a good date.

"Yup. Saving people and spending time with my boyfriend, all in one activity? Best thing you could have given me. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved a dinner date, but this is better." Peter nods at Wanda's words.

"I'll keep that in mind. Shall we?" Peter looks at the enemies surrounding them.

"We shall. Lead the way, Spider-Man."

"After you, Scarlet Witch."

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