Tentacular Caverns

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The agent slipped his headset over his ears, switching them on and picking up the Splattershot.

"Alright, you ready, lad?" The captain called.

"One moment. I have to try something first." Raising the weapon, Three gazed down its sight. It still felt awkward to hold the gun with the new grip, but it definitely felt steadier. He jogged over to the dismantled gate, where Cuttlefish stood waiting. "Alright, I'm good. Agent Three, reporting for duty."

"Alright, lad, let's get moving, then!" The two set off down the concrete path, heads on a swivel. The concrete soon melted into stone and gravel, crunching under their feet as they walked.

"Nice weather, isn't it, Three?"

"I... don't understand. Why are you asking me this now?" The old man sighed.

"Every moment in a war could be your last, lad. It's nice to take a moment to enjoy these things, just in case we don't get to go home to them."

"That's... fair. It is a nice day."

— — —

"I hear something."

"Weapons ready, Three." The agent turned the corner, opening fire. His shots caught an Octarian straight in the back, splatting it quickly. Its kin snarled and returned fire, but it was no match for the Inkling.

"Clear." He scanned the area for movement, but there was little to look at. Crates on the concrete platform, and- there. Just across a chasm, tucked tightly to the cliff side, the second sector. Further down was another, but there was no discernible path down.

"Dead end?"

"No, I don't think so. The Octolings aren't stupid. Look around, lad. There's gotta be another way across." Three opened fire on the crates, stopping when he heard a glassy ping amongst the sounds of splintering wood.

"Did you hear that, Captain?" The Inklings stepped onto the solid ground, the younger of the two creeping towards the crates. What could possibly have made a noise like that? Three's mind conjured up visions of traps, ambushes, and freak accidents, but he shook his head and forced the thoughts down. He was an agent of the Squidbeak Splatoon. He could take it. Kicking aside the remnants of a taped-up box, he found a large circular object, its exterior glassy and patterned. Two openings were present at opposite ends, through which he could vaguely see something coiled within. Odd. He tapped at it with his foot, then fired. It pinged pleasantly, shooting a thin ink-covered wire out into the distance.

"Well, I'll be damned, guess you have your way across. I'll be waitin' for ya here, Three. I can't cross with ya, these old cuttlebones can't do everythin' they used to."

"Yessir." Snapping a salute, the agent flicked his earpiece on, leaping onto the wire and switching forms. His body sank into the ink coating it. Slowly swimming forward, he made his way over the abyss. As he moved, the wire began to sag under his weight. If he changed forms right now, how far would he fall?

No, he snapped at himself. Now was not the time to think about failure. Three kept swimming forward until he finally hit the other end, bumping into glass. Feeling around with his tentacles, he found the second opening, squeezing himself through it. He popped out the other side, stumbling as he changed forms and the momentum nearly sent him face-first into a pole.

"Alright, lad, ya see anythin'?"

"Nothing special... yet..." He pushed himself away from the pole, turning to take in his new surroundings. The platform he stood on hugged the mountain, the floor curved to fit its contours. It almost resembled the skatepark he'd run through on his first mission into Inkopolis, except... this place belonged to the Octolings.

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