Leveler of Cities

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Three snarled as the corpulent Octarian hurled yet another bomb, the weapon clattering across the ground and exploding behind him. Behind it was the Zapfish, buzzing frantically in its prison.

"Three, what's takin' you so long?"

"This... damn... thing... keeps throwin' bombs..." The agent continued to weave around the puddles of purple, firing wildly in an attempt to get closer to his enemy. His vest was soaked with liquid, making every movement twice as hard as it should have been.

He ducked under the next bomb, lunging forward into the ink and drilling the Octobomber with shot after shot. It exploded with an agonized shriek, splattering lime everywhere and its empty helm clattering to the ground.

Three immediately turned his attention to his ink-soaked legs, spraying over the purple with his own colors. Having quenched the burning sensation, the agent trudged over to the moving concrete blocks that led up to the Zapfish, quietly observing their speed. Left... right... left... he sprayed ink at the concrete wall, lunging at the dripping surface as it came back. Switching forms, he plunged into the ink on the wall, darting up the massive block.

Cresting the final block, the agent finally came face to face with the Zapfish, casually hurling a bomb at the shell and walking forward to disconnect the larva from its restraints.

It still amazed him that such a small and delicate creature could power an entire battle station of this size. He pulled the little fish free of the shattered container, holding it gingerly by its back. "Zapfish acquired, I'm comin' back."


— — —

"Good work, lad, that's the last of the Kettles around here!"

"It better be..." the agent grumbled, wringing out his jacket. The Zapfish wriggled in a cooler, buzzing happily in the presence of its kin. "So... now that these are done with... what about those things?" He gestured over to the far end of the platform. A wire fence from which several bulbs hung, and in front of it, a large black Kettle, sealed off with a massive lid that was locked into place.

"Hm..." the captain stroked his tentacled beard thoughtfully. "An old friend of mine was a good mechanic, served in the war with me. He's gone now, but... I think his spawn are still weapons dealers in Inkopolis. It's been a while since I've last explored the city from the surface, so I'm not entirely sure, but it's worth a try."

The sound of low whistling interrupted any further thinking. The two approached the black Kettle nervously, Three pulling his wrinkled jacket back on. The shrill noise slowly rose in pitch and intensity, gears slowly groaning as they were forced into motion.

With a hissing noise, the Kettle's massive lid slowly lifted off, floating up into the air to reveal the grate and the hollow chamber hidden underneath. The agent peered into its depths, then scanned its perimeter, looking for the cause of its activation.

Its black metal surface was patterned with raised bumps, its spout curved and wiring emerging from underneath the metal structure. Three could almost hear it humming with energy, and that was not something he liked.

"What'd they need a Kettle this big for?"

"Beats me, but we're going to have to figure out one way or another. Keep your radio on, Three, I need you to tell me what's goin' on down there."

"Yessir." Stepping onto the grate, he switched forms, entering the Kettle. Entering the chamber proved to be a massive mistake. Somewhere within its depths, the agent could hear the haunting, warped cries of Octarians. The metal lid slammed back down, trapping him inside.

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