Let's Celebrate*

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Trigger Warning: Mature Content

Elena didn't know what to expect. She had been anxious all day but it was the good kind of anxious. Steve didn't tell her much, all he said was that he had something special planned and that she needed to dress up.

It wasn't like it was a birthday or a special anniversary of theirs. No, what he wanted to celebrate was the fact that she had finally gotten that promotion she had been working so hard for. Steve knew how important it was for her to be able to get that promotion, considering she was going up against some senior workers in the company and that was why he wanted to celebrate. Elena couldn't believe just how lucky she was to have such an amazing man in her life.

The day flew by and, before she knew it, it was time to meet Steve. She was wearing her favorite strapless white dress, a dress she knew Steve loved to see her in because it fitted her perfectly and hugged her curves. Pairing that with a pair of nude heels and she was ready. She left her place, climbed into a cab and made her way to his house.

The ride was fairly quick, giving her just enough time to check her light makeup before she arrived. As Elena climbed out of the cab and walked up to his door, she was impressed with the sight before her. Steve was standing in the front porch, wearing a black suit with a white buttoned up shirt, the first few buttons open, and all around him there were fairy lights decorating the porch. It was clear to her that he gone to great lengths to make that night special for her.

As she walked up the few front steps, Steve reached out his hand, taking hers in his, and, as soon as she was on the porch, pulled her close, kissing her deeply. When they ended the kiss, Steve congratulated her on the promotion and, after kissing her forehead, lead her inside.

The house looked beautiful, with fairy lights hanging from every corner of the house and across the walls and furniture, all the way to the back porch. Once there, Elena saw just to what the lights were leading to. There were tiki torches lining a path down to the edge of where the grass met the sand. There, it circled a table set for a romantic dinner for two and the ground was covered in a variety of flower petals.

Elena looked back at Steve and, without hesitation, kissed him passionately, thanking him for doing all of that for her. Steve simply smiled and lead her to the table. He pulled a chair and helped her sit down. They talked and laughed all throughout dinner. Eventually, dinner was over and Steve got up, stretching his hand to her and, when she took it, leading her towards the shoreline. Elena left her shoes by the table, since she could already guess what his plan was.

With their hands wrapped around each other's, they walked along the shoreline, talking and enjoying each other's company. Suddenly, Steve stopped and pulled her close, kissing her passionately, one hand tangled in her hair and the other around her waist pulling her close. Elena surrender into the kiss, not wanting it to end.

The more they kissed, the more they wanted. Their bodies were so close together that she could feel how much the kisses were affecting him. That's when she decided to tease him a little bit more. Taking one of her hands from his chest, she began rubbing him off over his pants, making him growl in pleasure.

- "Don't start something you don't pretend to finish, babe." – Steve growled in her ear, making her shiver. She knew why he said that, after all they were in the middle of the beach and someone could spot them, but if she was being honest, she didn't care.

With that thought in mind, she began rubbing him faster, feeling him twitch under her hand and making her wetter than she already was. Elena knew Steve couldn't control himself much longer, so it was no surprise when she felt his hand wrapping itself around her wrist, making her stop.

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