Happy Anniversary*

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Trigger Warning: Mature Content

It was their eleventh year together. They had been through hell and back, but one thing always remained the same: their love for each other. Beatrix thought back on all those years together and the memories brought a smile to her face. She couldn't believe how lucky she had been in finding someone like Steve to share her life with. Beatrix was lying in bed, in the early hours of the morning, when she decided to give Steve an early anniversary present.

Steve woke up with Beatrix's mouth firmly wrapped around his cock, bobbing her head up and down, making him growl her name in absolute pleasure, chasing any sleep he might still had away. The more she sucked and licked his cock, the more Steve wanted to fuck her, but she seemed determined to make him cum just by using her mouth and hands.

Steve could feel her tongue playing with the tip of his cock, licking the pre-cum that had started to escape; he could feel her hands, one stroking him up and down, the other playing with his balls. He was close to the edge and made sure that she knew it. He thought she would just stop and let him fuck her, or maybe finish him off by jerking him, but he was definitely not expecting to feel her starting to increase speed as she sucked and took his whole cock in her mouth. It didn't take long for him to feel the tell-tale signs that he was coming. Tangling his hand in her hair, helping her move faster, he kept moaning her name, until he came in her mouth.

He looked down, caressing her cheek, while she took his cock from her mouth, sucking any remains of cum that might had been left behind. He saw that she had swallowed his cum and couldn't help but smile at her. Beatrix got up from the bed and made her way to the bathroom, wetting a cloth and handing it to him, while she brushed her teeth. Steve cleaned himself, not that he had a lot to clean thanks to her, and laid there waiting for her, a smile on his lips.

Beatrix eventually made her way back to the bed, lying next to him, a smile on her lips as she said "happy anniversary" to him. He pulled her close, kissing her deeply, feeling her parting her lips to give him entrance. What was supposed to be a simple kiss, turned into a heavy make-out session, their hands all over each other's bodies, getting turned on as time progressed.

Steve pushed her against the bed and kissed her from her neck all the way down to her mount, mouthing it over her silk panties. He could feel her squirm in pleasure under him, until a small scream of pleasure left her lips. Steve kissed his way back up, stopping on her breasts, his body hovering over hers. She grabbed his cock and started rubbing it up and down, up and down. Beatrix heard him moan her name, before he grabbed her hand to make her stop. She was sure if she had kept going he would've come again.

He grabbed her legs and spread them, leaving her entrance completely open for him. She saw the smirk on his face as he slid down on the bed and pulled her closer to the edge. He placed one finger over her mount, rubbing small circles on it, making her moan his name.

Beatrix wanted more, she wanted to feel him inside of her; she wanted to feel him thrusting in and out of her, making her scream and moan his name, hearing him doing the same. She begged him to fuck her, telling him that she needed him, but he just smiled, as he took her underwear off.

Suddenly, she felt his tongue licking her entrance from top to bottom, sticking it inside of her as fast and as deep as he could. She also felt him taking two fingers and starting to work on her ass. She felt herself come and told him so. Steve just increased the speed of his tongue and fingers until she screamed his name and her juices were dripping from his chin.

Kissing her legs, nibbling on her sweet spot, he heard her moan his name, her back arching under him, so he started making his way up to her breasts, sucking, licking and biting them, completely reveling on the sensation of having her at his mercy. Going back down, Steve never lit up on her ass, his two fingers still fucking it as fast as he could.

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