I'm Sorry*

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Trigger Warning: Mature Content

"He lied". That was all that Talia could think about. Steve had gotten hurt, yet again, and decided that it was best not to tell her just how bad it had been. She understood he didn't want to worry her, but he should've told her. When she finally discovered, it wasn't pretty. Things were said that couldn't be unsaid and now Talia was reeling from it, sitting in the living room, a glass of scotch in her hand, trying her best not to scream in frustration.

Steve couldn't stop pacing back and forth in the lanai. He knew he should've told her, he knew she deserved to know when he got injured, but his need to protect her was stronger. He didn't want to worry her, not until it was worth worrying. But he also understood why she was mad. He had lied and he knew it was going to take a while before Talia fully trusted him again. At least when it came to him getting hurt on the job.

He knew what he had to do. He had to apologize, no, he needed to apologize to her; he needed to make sure she knew just how sorry he was, how something like that was never going to happen again, how he never wanted to hurt her or lie to her.

Steve walked inside and found Talia still in the same place she had been since he walked out to the lanai, sitting on the couch. She had her head on her hands and he could see her shaking with each small sob that traveled through her body. It killed him knowing that he was the cause of her tears.

He sat next to her on the couch and, tentatively, placed one hand on her back. She didn't shy away from his touch, which Steve thought was a good sign. "Maybe there's hope.", he thought as he started rubbing his hand up and down her back, trying to help her to calm down.

Talia felt his hand on her back and for a second she thought about getting up and leaving him alone, but she didn't want them to stay mad at each other, she just wanted to put everything behind them and move forward. She started calming down, his hand rubbing her back and helping her do just that. He was always capable of calming her, even when she didn't want to, when she wanted to be angry or upset.

Once she managed to stop sobbing, she lifted her head from her hands and looked at him. He looked so sad that it broke her heart. This had been their first major fight in two years that they've been together and she now knew it had hurt them both deeply.

They didn't say a word; they didn't need to. Steve moved a strand of hair from her face and cupped her face in his hand, feeling her leaning in at the touch. Slowly, he pulled her close and kissed her, whispering how sorry he was every time they broke apart. He could see her eyes still had tears, making them shine like diamonds in the dark of the room. He kissed her again and again, until desire started taking over.

The more they kissed, the more they wanted each other. He grabbed her waist and picked her up, placing her on his lap, facing him. He kissed her deeply, feeling her kissing him back with as much desire. His hands started traveling all over her body, her own doing the same.

Talia wanted him, she needed him. She needed his touch, his body against hers; she needed to feel him, to feel how much he loved her. She started to move her hips, very slowly, back and forth, rubbing herself on him. She could hear how his breathing hitched when she had started and how it was increasing in speed the more she did it. He was getting harder by the second and she was getting as wet as she had ever been. His hand started sliding down her leg, coming back up on the inside of her thighs. Soon, he had a hand up her skirt and was rubbing soft circles over her panties. She shuddered at the feeling.

- "If you want, we can continue this upstairs. There's a lot more space there."

- "I think, for now, we're good here." – He didn't know what her plan was but when she started rubbing herself even faster on him, he didn't care.

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