One Hell Of A Hike*

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Trigger Warning: Mature Content

"It's too damn early for this", Rebecca thought as she was climbing the trail that would lead to the peak of Diamond Head.

- "You okay back there?" – She heard Steve ask for what felt like the millionth time.

- "I'm good."

Steve had had the brilliant idea of hiking that trail the day before and Rebecca thought it was a great idea at the time. But let's face it. Everything sounds great when you're drunk. She never thought that he would actually be knocking on her door at 4h30 in the morning, ready to go on said hike, a huge smile on his face, just a couple of hours after she went to bed. So, with a massive hangover and a little willpower, she got ready to go.

Now, she was only half way there and already wishing she had never left her comfy and warm bed. The only thing that made her keep going was the promise that Steve made her that it would definitely be worth it. That and that smile of his. He could tell her that jumping into an active volcano was a good idea and she would do it, as long as he gave her that smile.

They kept climbing and by the time they reached its peak, the sun was starting to rise. Now she understood why he wanted to go that early. The view was breathtaking. Rebecca felt his arm wrap itself around her waist and pulling her close. She leaned into the embrace and stood there, next to him, marveling at the beauty before her.

Eventually they decided it was time they would head back and go get some much needed second breakfast. But as Rebecca was following Steve down the trail, she noticed they weren't going the same trail they had taken on their way up.

- "Are you sure we're going the right way, Super Seal?"

- "I'm sure." – Steve answered, looking back at her, a devilish grin on his lips.

Rebecca knew something was up. He knew Diamond Head like the palm of his hand, so it was very unlikely they were lost, which only meant one thing: he was definitely up to something. Shrugging her shoulders, Rebecca kept following him, not worrying about where they were headed. She knew Steve would never put her in a situation where she would be in any sort of danger.

As they kept walking, she took a good look at the man in front of her. He was wearing his blue seal tank top, his arms glistening under the sun, due to the sweat that covered them, and his tattoos showing his Navy pride. She shivered slightly at the thought of having his arms around her.

Looking slightly lower, she admired his perfectly round ass and she almost couldn't help herself and give it a pinch. She knew all too well how that ass felt in her hands. She had groped them enough times. That thought brought back images of them together in his room, fucking each other like rabbits, their hands all over each other's bodies, feeling every inch of skin.

Just remembering all those things made her wet. How she wished he would just take her, right there and then. She could feel the heat spreading all over her body, her nipples standing up and aching, demanding attention, as well as her mount.

Suddenly Steve stopped and turn to her, handing her a bottle of water, and that's when she saw that she wasn't the only one having a hard time focusing. Steve had a huge bulge in his shorts and she knew he was trying his best to disguised it.

Rebecca took a sip of the water, her eyes never leaving his bulge. Steve must've noticed not only what she was looking at, but the redness in her cheeks as well as her nipples, because his next question made her shiver.

- "Like what you see?" – He asked her, his voice coarse with desire. It was clear then that they were both trying to keep it together, when all they wanted was to have each other.

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