Nightmare to dream

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For this one, I thought this song would be good because it's representing how the events from our past into this nightmare, and had caused us to have a "frozen heart " again please let me know if you like any of the songs, let me know so I can add them to any other chapter or story and in this story I will be making them talk in Pokémon but for you guys I will translate it

"Humans, all of them, they hurt me" I was have the same nightmare I have almost had every night , the vary some nightmare that made me hate humans " clou cloud eon cloudeon ( you my only daughter, are the most beautiful one, ) said my mum a beautiful cloudeon named Skyler said to me when I was still a eevool my eye were closed "hydre hy hydreon" ( you are right my love, and I'm surprised because she is the only girl ) my dad said he was a hydreon with them talking I started talking the best I could back then " ee evool vool vool eevool " " Hey! You will make a good breeder " said a knight picking me up by the scruff on the back of my neck

Little time skip
When I was a eevee they were trying to see what will make me evolve into entomeon " right here it says here that eevee needs a high friendship and to level up in the forest while whoever takes her needs to hold sliver powder " " well we just need sliver powder and someone to hold the powder and level it up " said the knights a young Veronica was listening before the young lady said " I'll do it " " ok but we need the powder and you need to be careful ok " " ok "

Me and Veronica went to the forest with the powder and I was only at level 17 meanwhile the Pokémon there were over level 20 so at the first fight I was uneasy and I looked up at Veronica and she saw how I looked at her and decided a lower level. Pokémon will be better like Caterpie or Weedle and that is what we did. And when I got to level 22i evolved

Now I was just used for breeding but every larger Pokémon that could be just a few, or just hard for me always listen to my story, and I are understanding, because even though where are used for a specific purpose and overfilled that purpose, I decided I wasn't good enough and throw me out onto the street and that's when they realized they made a big mistake a month later cause this saw me except as the flying type Eevee evolution Cloudeon they realize they made a big mistake by getting rid of me because I was able to change my typing plus form they try to recapture me funny man should get away in the nick of time by turning into Jolteon and using my lightning speed to get out of there as fast as I could and for as long as I can know till I was able to turn myself into a human, I always lived in alleyways even though multiple people try to catch me to poke ball. I never allowed them, but when it came to something the kids who never knew what it Pokémon was perfect never even seen one in their life not even heard about what just nothing that includes Pokémon. They would always see me and want to touch me. You know I would allow it with some kids, I never would because even after just one they would always do something like grab the food off of my tail or fluff around my neck. If I had either one, and when I was Vaporeon, at this one time, a kid pulled one of my friends, and it hurt really bad and his mother and father told him not to do it, but I wouldn't let him touch me again, and whenever I see you, Margaret, Veronica or Elizabeth, I will go near them but if they try to touch me, I always go away from them sometimes even out of sight if possible and I was living on my own ever since they were still trying to capture me to use for breeding even though I would interact with the Pokémon they had either the breeding Pokémon Pokémon. They were trying to evolve for a certain reason or the Pokémon they would fight with. I would go near those Pokémon, but whatever they told me or asked me to come to therapy place or owners place I would always decline because every Pokémon that was with the knights and holy knights of the Rome will always have some kind of markings, namely, a collar, which I got rid of a long time ago in till I found my first meet and refilled Elizabeth. I always left on my own never trusted humans again after what they did to me and when I first met Meliodas I smelled that he was different, but since he was with me until he reached his hand out for me to sniff and get used to it sent, I never knew, but he smelled it weird nearly like a demon which I have been recently stalling around the castle, especially on the grandmaster Hendrickson I don't know why and from what I heard around 10 years ago the holy night grandmaster was killed even though I was at the scene. I was nowhere near cause. I gotta wait as fast as I could using cloudeon I flew out of there as fast as I cut until I reached the town were I met Meliodas That's the nightmare I have every night now, but in the end it always turns into something good and for some odd reason I see my brother and my parents in my dreams I don't know why, but they told me that their time is is running short and I think that means they're dying or already dead my brothers said nothing I don't know if they're dead, or on their way to death and I am very sad because after the day I evolved I never saw them again and the only wish I wanted was to see them again even if it was one last time I wanted to see them I wanted to see my parents I wanted to see my brothers and I wanted to see my mothers new litter if she had one, I don't know I will if not, I hope I will see them on the other side or the capital of the dead if I go sometime, which will probably never

Sheesh Y/N had a really tough childhood. I don't even think she had a childhood. I think she got cheated out of it for what we were told about her past, and I actually find a very understandable that she would steer clear of Pokémon that belong to the holy night and asked her to go with them. I think I was a Square idea since they wanted to reach out to her to use her for breeding after seeing what she is capable of I would not trust that even though it would go to her that I would be wary well I hope you guys enjoyed hearing about Y/N's past what do you guys think about it he personally I find it very sad for all she had to go through like for crying out loud she got cheated out of childhood childhood by I hope you guys have an amazing day/ afternoon/night

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