My mate in the necropolis

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I thought you guys would like this chapters song because I am a sucker for my favorite anime song that are translated and possibly a lot of the readers so please tell me your thoughts on the song and I would love it if you guys gave me name requests but to be exact and not rude I would appreciate it if you guys would give a gender for your name you choose

" Y/N are you sure about this? I mean we are going to be at the necropolis in one day. " Meliodas asked me " I'm sure meli, I want to get a head start! Bye see you guys in the necropolis! " I told him before I cloudeon Pokemon form and taking off into the blue sky
"Hmmm, ow! Was that my ma- it is!? Well where is shhhheeeee-oooooowwwwwww, IT HURTS! " I yelled grasping my ankle but at the same time looking for my mate when I saw a beautiful cloudeon and I saw her transform into a human with wings, a tail, and ears. I went outside but stayed out of  eyeshot but i saw her ears move in my direction and it was like she could see me behind the tree I was hiding behind and then she came in the ears that just looks like a leaf as well as a leaf like a tail turned into a Pokémon that was green and beige with little tops of leaf like fur and ran into the forest. It was nearly dusk so I'm guessing she was going to bed.


I went outside and to a clear area to find and hunt for food

Time skip
i had found some and i ran into a Maushold ( the rare three family ) and shared the Pecha berries i found i did that because i had more then enough and i did look like the little one was poisoned and pecha berries cure pouson on top of that they can be found in trees witch are everywere but then i felt like i had a upset stomach witch was odd because i had some razz berries the day be....fore " Ban, what did you do?! " on top of that there was my mate mark but that just mant my fouth mate is near me

After I was done trowing up I went to look around for my mate and I saw a boy floting while hugging a pillow ( fyi she is a leafeon right now ) he looked over at me " hmm, oh hey are you lost? " he asked me and since he was my mate I saw no problem with him knowing I can talk and turn into a human but I thought thatvit would be better if he knows soon not now but soon " leaf leaf leafeon " ( no im not lost ) " of, well i dont speak pokemon but if you can, will you show me where you live or you trainer or trainers if you have more than one? " he said and asked " leaf, leaf leafeon " ( sure, follow me ) i said in pokemon while gesturing for him to follow me because i heard ban . . . . and some kids allright what is he doing we walked through the forest for some time before I could tell that he was able to hear Ban as well
( lets say that it did not end well in some sense )  before Ban or king could do anything else to eachother " BAD BAN! " Meliodas said while hitting Ban on the head with a pint cup while Diane come to see what was going on and she put her hand down for me to climb on witch I did and Ban said something about a little punk coming and attacking him ambut when Diane and Meliodas looked to see what Ban was talking about thay both called out " KING " and with some excitement probably because they found another sin I dunno i fell asleep on Diane's shoulder

Diane gave a sleeping Y/N to captain while I took the two kids that were here back to the tavern.

When i got back to the tavern i started  to make food for the kids and Y/N ans when i was done Y/N was awake and hungry and so I made her a bowl and she loved it


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