My mate of the sleeping forest

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Don't judge me for this and if you like a Pokémon like Pikachu get the actual fuck out of here

SOOO we are at the forest of white dreams looking for my next mate and another sin " Hey, Meliodas are you sure about this? We've been out here three hours now. There's no sign of any animals, much less any humans either. " Hawk said he was right " You're right, Hawk." I said agreeing with him. " Meli, do you really think we'll be able to find one of the Seven Deadly Sins here? " I then asked Meliodas which he replied to me with a " probably " " Do you, mean we came here without any solid evidence?! " have them said, screaming at meliodas that we came here without any evidence that one of them were here " I... I can feel something grabbing me from behind. " Elizabeth, and said looking like she was in a lot of discomfort, for meliodas said " hey relax just me. " " he's such a creeper! " hawk said talking about Meliodas but that was after meliodas said that walking through the forest of light dreams is actually kind of difficult on horseback and that it's so difficult to get your bearings that experience travels just go around the place, which Elizabeth replied, with that it would be a perfect place for someone to hide out I just started to sing, so I could ignore what the heck everyone was doing because Meliodas was being a creep and he had more hands than a teenage octopus 🐙

( this is actually something that a hawk said and I think it's hilarious. Funny, y'all think about the line )

The song is called frozen heart ( I know y'all recognize this from later chapter nightmare to dream ) " born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining. This icy force, both foul and fair, has a frozen heart worth mining. " " hey Y/N what are you singing? " Elizabeth asked me confused though what the heck I was singing. " oh, the song is called frozen heart. I like it a lot especially since he goes along with my ice type evolution Glaceon. " I then told Elizabeth about this song and that I like it cause it goes along with one of my many evolutions " so cut through the heart, cold and clear, strike for love and strike for fear, see the beauty sharp and shear, " I continue singing, and Meliodas what's noticed and actually complimented me " Hey, Y/N your singing is really beautiful. " " oh, thank you, Meliodas " I replied to Meliodas , thanking him for giving me a compliment before I continue singing " split the ice apart and break the frozen heaarrrrt, watch your step! Let it go! Ha! ho! Watch your step! Let it go! Beautiful, powerful, dangerous, cold. Ice has a magic can't be controlled. Stronger than one stronger than 10 stronger than 100 men. " " Hey, Y/N you're singing is really beautiful. I like it a lot " hawk , then said but the weird part was that they were more of him, and all of us were surprised at all he did was just start singing louder " Ha! Born of cold and winter air in and Mountain rain combining. This icy force, both foul and fair has a frozen heart worth mining. Cut through the heart, cold and clear stripes for love and strike for fear there's beauty and there's danger here, split the ice apart beware the frozen heaaaaaarrrrrrt! " then I fucking realize that they were more of me " all right what the actual fuck is going on " but I was when Meliodas thought of something he been gone on a rock, and then said " everyone and take off your hood " he knew this because I was wearing my hood well cloak with the hood up in Meliodas what us thought it would be a good idea if he said for all of us to take off her hood knowing that I would not take off my hood and he was actually right because they all took off the hood with normal ears, I didn't take off my hood because I actually had my leafeon ears out and so when they all realized the mistake they made Meliodas then hit all the other mes with his sword, but that was before they all turned in to the hide and seeks which hawks said that they are prankster imps

Daine POV
" LADY DAINE! " " LADY DAINE WE ACCIDENTALLY LET SOME HOLY KNIGHT TRESPASSERS COME IN! " mhh who's singing, OW oh it's my mate mark, WAIT THAT MEANS MY .... MATE IS HERE! " I sat up and looked around and saw a Pokémon, it looked like a Espeon and it saw me " Hello there, my name is Daine, I think I'll nam- " " Y/N, that's my name Y/N " the ... the Pokémon spoke ... and now it's ... transformed into a human " hey I think you my mate, aren't you Daine? " the Espeon said I'm pretty sure that she said that her name was Y/N " Y ... Yes that's me um are you my mate? "  " Yes. Yes I am " she said " ahh, you are so cute!! " " Hey Daine what's been, like 10 years" I hear Meliodas say I Al see o saw a pig and a light blue haired girl which I heard Y/N say that her name was Elizabeth " caw caw " " I thought no more animals were here in the part of the forest?! " a strike oh lightning came down where we were

I saw a lightning strike and then I saw wait ... no I ... it ... it can't be


That took an interesting turn of events

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