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 A murderer can be a person who killed in self-defense all the way down to one who kills for fun or greed. It can also be with ulterior motives that we hadn't known of. When a person is evil, when they kill from a sick addiction, when they are cold and cruel, for the state to murder them is a form of euthanasia. Do individuals like these don't stand a chance to change for the better? You would like to think that they can as each person deserves the chance to be a better man or woman. 

"C'mon Yuki, we're gonna be late for class. Let's go join the rest."  

You seemed to be stuck in a daydream as you walked through the hallway mindlessly. 

"Are you even listening to me? Hello? Earth to Yuki!"

"Huh?" you said not listening to her. 

Now she was clearly frustrated. Not a second has passed, and you find yourself already in class with Lydia's help to drag yourself into it. The lecturer side-eyed clearly showing a hint of annoyance as she brieftly starts the class. You then took a seat next to the window as the topic of "murderers" still lingered in your mind. 

The second year of studying psychology... You enjoyed learning about how people think and why they act the way they do. How personalities can change, how certain emotions can alter people's decisions, and how psychology might be able to boost your own mental health. Perhaps one day you'll achieve your longing dream of being a psychiatrist. For now, you just need to focus on studying and studying hard.

Class ended for the day, bid farewell to some friends, walk back home, and then repeat the same boring, life cycle you seemed to be caught up in. That certainly wasn't going to change anytime soon-- You suddenly bumped into someone - probably because you weren't paying any attention - and landed on the cold pavement, your books flying into the air before hitting the path with you. What the--? You looked up and found out what you bumped into...

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