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*Flashback - 16 years ago*

"I'm actually quite shocked my mom let you sleep over", Taylor said, shutting her bedroom door behind her, as Quinn sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Why? does she not trust me?", Quinn asked, faking offence. She smiled at Taylor playfully before drawing her attention to the posters that lined Taylor's wall.

Taylor sighed before seating herself next to Quinn, drawing her legs in so that she sat cross-legged. "No, she trusts you of course, I just don't think she trusts us when we're together. Alone."

Quinn smirked at Taylor, "Damn your mom needs to get her mind out of the gutter", She joked, causing Taylor to gasp and lightly shove her shoulder.

"Ew that's my mom you're on about", Taylor cried, making a disgusted face that Quinn couldn't help but laugh at. There was a sudden knock at the door that made both girls snap their heads in the direction of the sound.

"Who is it?!" Taylor called out, brushing the ends of her curly hair with her fingers as she waited for a response.

"It's me", came the voice of a woman from the other side of the door.

"Oh wow, hi me, it's lovely to meet you", Taylor joked, rolling her eyes as Quinn slapped a hand over mouth in an attempt to hold back her laughter.

"Ha-ha very funny Taylor", the woman said sarcastically, before opening the door and smiling at the two girls. Quinn smiled back politely and gave a small wave, but Taylor just looked annoyed.

"What do you want?" Taylor asked bluntly, clearly embarrassed with having her mom and girlfriend in the same room.

"I am not loving your attitude missy", Andrea replied, tutting as she picked up a t-shirt off the floor that Taylor hadn't put in her laundry basket. Quinn sat awkwardly, playing with the sleeves of her hoodie as Taylor and her mom interacted.

"I just wanted to say you girls should probably go to sleep now, it's nearing midnight and you've both gotta be up at six for school", Andrea stated, standing up straight, one hand resting on her hip, the other clutching Taylor's dirty laundry.

Quinn looked over at the small digital clock that stood on Taylor's nightstand, reading the time. It was in fact 11:53pm, meaning they only had about six hours until they had to get up for school. Quinn was very serious about her studies, she was never late and always turned up at school, even when she was so ill, she could barely walk.

Taylor on the other hand, was not into her studies as much. Instead choosing to spend her time with her guitar in hand or writing down lyrics when she should be writing down the formula for Pythagoras's theorem.

"Ugh can't we have like half an hour, we're sixteen, we're not babies, we can handle staying up late", Taylor argued back. Quinn silently agreed with Andrea. Going to sleep now meant that she could be more alert the next day. How was she supposed to learn if she couldn't keep herself awake throughout the lesson?

"No way young lady! You've shown me enough attitude lately, I hope you apologise to Quinn for behaving like this in front of her", Andrea said sternly, watching as Quinn's cheeks turned a deep shade of red and Taylor's expression only grew more annoyed.

"Don't worry, my younger sister just entered her tween years, so I'm used to it", Quinn said, chuckling lightly to try and defuse the tension. Andrea let out a soft laugh, "Tell your mother I'm sending prayers and wishes", she joked. Quinn grinned before turning to Taylor, whose arms were folded across her chest, as she scowled slightly.

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