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authors note: a bit of a different one for you guys

*Flashback - 17 years ago*

"How is she?!"

"She's stable for now, but she won't wake for a while", the nurse said, closing the door behind her. Tears swam in Taylor's eyes as she clutched a bouquet of flowers in one hand.

"C-can I see her?" Taylor stuttered, her voice breaking ever so slightly. The nurse rubbed Taylor's shoulder comfortingly and gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Of course, you can honey". Taylor nodded and let out a shaky breath. Her hand rested on the brass handle of the door before she mustered up the courage to open it. The door swung open, and Taylor's eyes fell onto the shape of a petite body sleeping in the hospital bed.

Taylor had to hold back a cry as she saw all the machine's hooked up to the girl, just to keep her alive. Her feet felt like they were glued to the floor, and she had to force them with great struggle to move.

She slowly approached the bedside table, placing the flowers down in the empty vase. She took a deep breath before turning her head to the sleeping girl.

She sniffed back a tear and grabbed the girl's hand. She sat down in the red armchair beside the bed and watched the girl's chest rise and fall. A reminder that she was still alive.

Taylor squeezed her hand three times.

"Quinn... what have you done?"

The Story of Us - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now