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author's note: this is a shorter one, but it's short for a reason

With a fumble of keys, Quinn finally managed to open the front door; Taylor's security guards doing the best that they could at hiding her from the paparazzi that circled the house. She stumbled in, kicking her sneakers off in the hallway and breathing a sigh of relief.

Fifteen years and she still was not used to crowds of people crowding her front door. One time she arrived home and there was a man sleeping in her bed, claiming that he was married to Taylor.

Quinn rubbed her eyes and made her way into the kitchen. She felt in the mood for a smoothie, so she searched the cupboards and fridge for anything worthy enough to be thrown into a blender.

She chopped up some strawberries, bananas, and raspberries before chucking it all in a blender with a splash of milk for a thicker texture. She held her hand down on the top of the blender, watching as all the colours merged to create a dark pink.

She walked around the house, sipping her smoothie, her mind still racing from her conversation with Betty earlier that day.

Taylor was still out at the studio so that gave time for Quinn to conjure up what she would say when Taylor returned home. She had formed something she thought was adequate when she stopped outside the door to Taylor's music room.

She hadn't set foot in this room for a while, scared that Taylor might shout at her for it. But building up a relationship means building up trust, right? So, she slowly opened the door and slipped inside the room.

It hadn't changed at all. The many guitars were still lined up against the wall, the grand piano was still in the corner of the room. Cushions were scattered over the floor where Taylor had spent nights in this room creating music and then slept in here.

Quinn sipped more of her smoothie as her fingers played random notes on the piano. She had no clue how to play the piano, but it was just fun to improvise as if she did know how.

As her eyes scanned the room, she caught onto something next to Taylor's red glittery guitar. An open notebook.

Curiosity piqued her interest, and she made her way over to the book. She placed her smoothie down a small, wooden table, before kneeling to the floor and peering down at the notebook.

She recognised Taylor's handwriting, slightly messier than usual. She probably wrote it late at night.

The song didn't have a title yet but there was one word at the top of the page that intrigued her even more. Her name. Quinn.

She assumed the song was about her, or had something to do with her, so she picked the notebook up from the floor and began to read the lyrics. The more she read, the bigger her frown got, tears blurring her vision, making it an impossible task to see.


You're losing me

I can't find a pulse. My heart won't start anymore.

For you.

Is that how Taylor truly felt? Did she really think their relationship was coming to an end? What happened to call me if you need anything?

Quinn's newly repaired heart shattered again, and she felt like she'd lost all progress. A tear rolled down her cheek as she shut the notebook and ran out of the room with it clutched in her hand.

She needed time away from Taylor, and this house, maybe even this country. She couldn't stand it anymore. Now she knew how Taylor really felt, she thought it would be best anyway.

She grabbed anything she could find that belonged to her, shoving it in a suitcase before rushing down the stairs and out the front door, without so much as a second thought.

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