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authors note: apologies for the ending of the last chapter

 and i also apologise in advance...

*flashback - 7 years ago*


Quinn rolled her eyes, flopping back down on the couch, sighing deeply. Taylor walked into the room holding two glasses of wine. Her eyebrows were raised as she heard Nancy stomp up the stairs.

"Whoah, teen troubles?" she asked, with a small chuckle. Quinn grabbed the wine glass from her hand in response and began to chug it.

"Jeez slow down, last time you did that we both ended up in bed, naked, unable to move", taylor mentioned, watching Quinn gulp down the wine.

Quinn finished the glass and placed it on the coffee table with force. "I needed that".

Taylor laughed, sitting down next to Quinn with a soft plop. "Nancy been like this all day?"

Quinn rolled her eyes and nodded her head. "She's been like this for the past six years".

Taylor snorted in amusement, taking another sip of her wine, "Seventeen years old and she thinks she rules the world".

"Don't have to tell me twice", Quinn replied smirking over at Taylor.

"What was this temper tantrum about?", Taylor asked, resting her head on the back of the couch and watching Quinn with a loving smile.

Quinn chucked before saying, "She wanted to go somewhere with her new boyfriend. I know what she was going to do with him though so i said no".

Taylor snorted loudly at Quinn. Quinn frowned and looked at her with a small smirk. "What? why are you laughing?"

Taylor continued to cackle. "That's so hypocritical."

Quinn dropped her jaw and gasped, "What?!"

"Really? When we were her age we would sneak out all the time and do exactly what you think she's going to do", Taylor reminded her girlfriend. Quinn sunk her teeth into her lip, biting back a smile.

"Oh well. Oo that reminds me, we need to keep an eye on her window". Quinn smirked at Taylor, both of them thinking back to all the times Quinn snuck through her window in the middle of the night.

"Yeah good idea, do you wanna go sit out in the garden?" Taylor asked, reaching out a hand to run it through Quinn's hair. She twirled a strand around her finger before gently brushing her thumb across Quinn's cheek.

"Ew get a room", came the voice of Nancy from behind the two girls. Taylor kept her hand on Quinn's face, not ashamed at all. Quinn scoffed and rolled her eyes at her younger sister.

Nancy pulled a disgusted face at her older sister before grabbing a soda can from the fridge.

"I'm having a friend round, so can you keep the gay down", Nancy said, cracking her soda open.

"Whoah whoah whoah, who's this friend?" Quinn asked, standing up from the sofa, narrowing her eyes at Nancy.

"Ugh, it's just my friend Hayley from school, don't be such a mom", Nancy argued, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't be such a teenager. And anyway your real mom said no people over", Quinn fought back. Taylor sat awkwardly on the couch, resting her lips on the rim of her wine glass and looking at the floor.

"What?! that's so unfair! she's already on her way!" Nancy stomped her foot like a toddler, huffing.

"Tough luck, tell her to turn around, the answer is no".

"Ughhh why was i even born?!! Nancy huffed again, stomping her way down the hallway and up the stairs.

"Oh believe me, i ask myself that everyday!!!" Quinn yelled back, before walking over to Taylor.

"Sorry about that", she said, seating herself on the sofa. Taylor lightly chuckled. Quinn looked over at her before plucking the wine glass out of Taylor's hands.

"Wha- Hey?!" Taylor cried, her lips parting in shock.

"Sorry babe, i need this more than you", Quinn stated before downing the glass of wine. Taylor smiled at her girlfriend, watching her with heart eyes.

*end of flashback - seven years later*

Taylor walked through the front door of the house, humming the song she had just recently recorded that day. She was in a happier mood. The studio session was a success and she had left on good terms with Quinn this morning.

She kicked off her ankle boots, standing up straight and cracking her back.

"Quinn?!" she called out, waiting for a response.

When she didn't get one, she made her way down the hall, poking her head into the living room to see if Quinn was maybe curled up with a book and hadn't replied because she was in her own little world.

The absence of Quinn in the living room made her frown slightly but she continued her search.


Quinn wasn't in the kitchen either. Or the bedroom. Or the library. Or the garden. Or the dining room. Or the guest room. Or anywhere.


Taylor paused for a moment before allowing the next words to come out of her mouth.


It was confirmed. Quinn was nowhere to be found in the house. But she couldn't still be out right? Taylor looked over at the big, rustic clock in the kitchen and read the time.

eight pm. That meant that Quinn should be home. Taylor searched for a note, maybe explaining her whereabouts, but found nothing.

Worry and confusion made itself at home in the bottom of her stomach. She wracked her brain trying to think of locations Quinn might be this late at night but couldn't think of any.

Maybe I should just search the house again she thought to herself, making her way back to the front door so she could retrace her steps around the house.

As she reached the top floor of the house she suddenly realised there was still a room left unchecked. Her music room.

She raced down one flight of stairs before throwing herself at the door to her music room. She let out a loud groan of frustration when she saw no Quinn.

Giving up, she sat on the floor of the room, deciding to wait here until Quinn came home from wherever she was.

Taylor thought to herself for a few moments. I'm probably making a bigger deal out of this than needs be. She's probably just at the grocery store for some last minute shopping or something like that.

Something caught Taylor's eye from the corner of the room. A large glass, that had a half drunk smoothie in it. That was definitely not in here when she left the house that morning. Taylor didn't drink smoothies. That had to be Quinn's.

Why was she in here?

Taylor pondered that thought for a moment, her eyebrows furrowed together when she noticed the absence of her notebook. It took her a minute but she finally put two and two together. She gasped out loud in horror.


She raced out of the room and rushed down the stairs, nearly sending herself tumbling down them. She grabbed the old landline from small table beside the front door and punched in the numbers of Quinn's phone number.

"Come onnn! pick up Quinn". Taylor tapped her foot impatiently, causing Olivia to leave the living room to see what the commotion was.

Quinn didn't pick up, and after five tries Taylor smashed the landline back onto its holder. She groaned again, this time her voice sounding more pained.

"For fucks sake!" she yelled, kicking the wall which she regretted deeply after.

She rested her forehead against the wall and pounded her fist against it, startling Olivia who was watching her with a serious expression.

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