chapter 3:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Pilots & their titans gathered up everything they salvaged. Ton of spectre drones reapers ammo supplies, plasma flyers, several dropships & many more.

Academy let them stored it in their much larger abandoned faciltiy. Holographic map display their planet they crashed shows where they are & outside. Headmaster cutley waved her hand so did lisha too.

Lynx: what are you doing?

Lisha: oh sorry excuse me

Headmaster: still amazing

Hunter: were in a different universe are we?

Gearz: no contact from militia. Far as we know ramnent fleet didn't followed us either

Roach: i rechecked imc are finished so is remnant fleet




Lynch: what about us?. Is the war really over?

Gearz: idk. Their time abuse weapon really messed them up

Roach: yeah its really over. But for us

Headmaster: great. We have someone who wanted to meet you later on for the mission that night

Timeskip lynx pov:

During that time we got to know them. Asking so much questions to our titans. Girls getting know monarch class & northstar class titans since their female too.

Their okay in my book. Lux is the only male that became a student. Something about him owning two swords is very different.

Pinkette philuffy snuck in while gearz is relaxing. Later on that night we stand to the side this guy shows up, this guy named barzeride shows up. I guess the big cheese people was already informed but i still don't trust them including the new guy.

Lux & lisha's reactions know who he is they didn't like him. Completely sus. Something about investigating the ruins. That raises red flags.

Barzeride: so " pilots " is it. Assuming your sir lynx of the militia frontier

Lynx: affirmative. You're well informed

Barzeride: i am just hear to assist

Lynx: uh huh

Lisha: at least sir lyn-

Omaha: that's enough drag lisha

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