chapter 13: relieXpointman

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Don't own anything

gearz pov:

Stalker knock philuffy out. Militia came to me checking any injuries. Lux checks her.

Soldier: pilot gearz. We got a crazy kid from before caught him sneaking


Stalkers restrained him

Lux: its you

Gearz: *aimed my machine gun * you gotta name dennis the menace?

Lux: dennis the what?

Timeskip author pov:

Meanwhile. Back at the giant gold fish. Lisha walks to the dead corpse of that dragon. She couldn't believe lynx killed it without his titan. He has a rocket launcher but he grappled over to it grabbed his grappled to the pillar quickly slammed it & fast punched him so hard his head exploded.

Celestia: do you know how worried i was (sniff) you did something no-

Lynx: oh calm down. I killed it moving on

Celestia: still you sounding like its normal to you

Lynx: pilots like us are not normal

Hunter: " we killed one that attack us commander "

Roach: so much for finding secret airi


Control f you

Lynx: i am so tired of running around in circles

Celestia: want to roll around in bed after this

Shocker: ayo

Airi shook her head. Meanwhile crazy kid is handcuffed spectre drones ready for anything the kid gearz & lux interrogated him. A red seed he has taken from him.

Crazy kid: i planted a seed on her

Lilly: " piloted i located the seed on her. Its on your helmet's hud "

He took some tools out of his bag. Inject some stuff in her so she won't feel the pain.

Gearz: sorry philuffy but your life is on the line. Crazy dude did something to ya. He'll pay your life insurance

He cut open the area where the seed lux looks disgusted. Got the seed & flicked away performing a surgery because of future technology of his universe. He seal her open wound back in place. He inject a formula to have her feel better clean the blood off that area.

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