chapter 4:

51 0 0

Don't own anything

Hunter pov:

My northstar still has us on tracker will have to find away out at some point. I looked at these capsule looking things. I aimed my sniper rifle at krucifer making lux alerted.

Lux: what are you doing sir hunter

Hunter: back off dude. Talk krucifer my titan got nervous about you activating strange shit

Krucifer: i just told you i am-

" i know that "

She takes a look what she said is a box

Krucifer: i was discovered as a child in a box like this long ago

Lux: that's at the-

Razor: " she's not blood related to the einfolk family "

Hunter: so you're adopted

So her adoptive father found from these ruins. She has no past in this place other than growing up with her rich adopted family.

They kept their distance from her. After wll they done for her they still fear her that is the most stupid way to do to your adopted kid.

So she stupided to be a drag knight. I smiled. I walked up to her & hugged her. She looked shocked.

Hunter: you needed this that's why

She hugged back & cried a bit. I rubbed her smooth soft back. Lux picked up my sniper rifle.

Hunter: i was adoptive myself. Person who found me is viper mercenary from apex predators. I became a pilot under his teachings. He was a father figure to me. He allowed me to make a choice of my future. So i made a choice to join the frontier militia

Lux: what happened to viper i must ask?

Hunter: killed by Jack cooper

We separated the hug

Krucifer: sorry i brought you two here for my selfishness mostly you hunter

Hunter: hush up krucifer. Its in the past now. Focus on the future. Neither religious or whatever you guys have in your planet

Razor: " pilot. Country of ymir or einfolk family member "

Lux: how does she...

Hunter: whatever razor

Razor: " i detected more sarcasm 😑 "

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