chapter 17:

16 0 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Airi lux lynx roach gearz shocker & hunter are called to meet the council. Even though they have no control over frontier milita but since 3 pilots are the first to set foot on their planet they ask pointman to wanna see them in person.

Halt: we called you two & called you 3 frontier milita pilots (to ever first to set foot on our world) here today to disclose an important matter. Your intel sir lynx is 100% accurate will be mobilization of our troops if this enemy decided to make their move

Lynx: why disclose it?

Halt: people of our nation and our planet you now called home aren't aware of.

Lux: and that would be

Halt: the plan to recapture the kingdom

Airi & lux looked shocked pilots are not so shocked

Halt: survivors of the old empire are plotting are meeting and something

Old man: thanks to your intel. We confirmed the person named lagreed fols

 We confirmed the person named lagreed fols

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hunter: let me guess. He crazy too?

Shocker: hunter shut up

Old man: (chuckled) yes he is

Hunter: told ya😁

Lux: lagreed fols?!

Halt: after after a all dragon festival. They will Carry out their plans. This intel gathered by the dimensional outworlders frontier militia. Will make our move early. We ask your " CO " Pointman to assist

Roach: so they only strike when your security is insufficient?

Halt: correct

Lynx: i suggest you tightened it. We can't guarantee to be there 0247 hours just because we have the tech & the skills. Its your job to make sure they won't reach that goal

Shocker: will agree to work with ya

Lux: so what do you want me & frontier militia do?

Old man: remember we asked frontier milita's assist. We want you to be our trump card & so are the pilots as well that are standing with you & your sister

Lynx: roach's girlfriend yoruko has said they have 100 abysses including a giant robot thing they have been preparing to do

Lux & airi looked shocked

Lux: so big even your titans can't-

Shocker: you do realize our starships has big guns & missiles that can level that thing. It ain't built to withstand a starship bombardment. Soon as that thing shows up we're lighting it up

Man no 2: this all control with a horn

Lynx: what an old tactic. Hunter you know what to do

Hunter: copy that

Halt: so i guess a decoy won't work considering you have range

Hunter: my titan is requip with a rail gun that can bounced walls. Gearz will threw a pulse blade to ping the target.

Airi sighed in relief. Council is loving the idea.

Halt: all charges are dropped

Lynx: wish i can handshake

Lead council came down & shook hands. Gears took pictures.

Old man: i can see why ms Celestia loves you. I hope by the time you two get married. I hope you found a reason to live

Lynx: thank you

To be continued:


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