Chapter 3 Lesson

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Sam was at his his house inside of his room looking through his deck.

"If the idiots of this city were to see my deck they would accuse me of cheating." He said.

He didn't like the fact that they called Yuya a cheater when a person can mess up a summoning without proper practice.

"Even I had problems with my summoning method." He looks at his Headmaster cards.

"Practice makes perfect, your not a master unless you do it. But I wonder how Yuya did Pendulum summon?" He thinks about it.

He also had respect for Yuya's father since he's a real duelist, not this Strong guy, in fact he's not even strong.


Sam had a duel against Strong as they were in a desert with Strong having Barbarian King on his side.

While Sam had Optimus Prime, Optimus fires against Barbarian King destroying him.

Strong screams failing to the ground before Sam goes up to him as his life points went to zero.

"Too bad, it seems the so called champ isn't as good as he thought he was." Sam said.

"I still need more training. Many think that Yuya Sakaki got lucky, but this duel showed that theres plenty of other duelists better than me." Strong said.

"At least your not acting like a sore loser." Sam goes off.

"Hey." Strong got his attention. "If you go to the tournament, you better go to the finals, someone of your skills deserves it."

"Well i'll be sure to go. My deck needs to be shown off." Sam said.

He leaves Strong there as the former champ went on his journey.

Flashback ends

"Why did people praise him when he didn't won the title fair and square." Sam said to himself.

He opens a computer and checks a simulation if Yusho and Strong did duel, and the final results are that Yusho would have won.

"I knew it, Yusho would have won that duel and make a joke out of Strong." Sam said. "And this is a normal duel, even in a Action Duel Yusho has more experience in these duels than Yuya so he would have beaten Strong like it was nothing."

Sam looks at his deck again before he looks behind to see four boxes, one was opened to show it belonged to the Autobots deck, while the others had different symbols one was even purple.

"They will have they're chances, another time." He goes to put the deck inside of the box for safe keeping.

"Maybe I should make more." Sam goes to his computer and he starts to draw more cards.

"With Industrial Illusions support I can keep making cards and expand on my creations." He said.

Sam heard the door. "Who could it be?"

He saves his progress and goes out, he arrived at the door and saw Yuzu.

"Hey Sam." She said.

"Oh Yuzu, let me guess you came for the teachings." He said.

"Yeah, so can I come in?" She asked.

He lets her go inside and she checks. "Wow, it's nice."

"Yeah, i'm usually alone so we have privacy." He sits down at a couch.

She sits at a chair. "So where do we start?"

"With the basics first before we can go to advance stuff." He said.

She nodded. "Alright."

"I like your energy Yuzu, you can be a great duelist." He said.

She got surprised and smiles with a bit of a blush. "Well thanks."

Sam smiles back at her and they continued with they're lesson.

He also wonders about a few things that Shun and Yuto said, like Industrial Illusions being in they're dimension, is it a clone or something more?

With Reiji

He was looking at a computer seeing the data they had from Headmaster summon as Chromedome shoots.

"It's not much compared to the data we got from Pendulum summoning." Nakajima said.

"Yes. Headmaster summoning is very complex, without more data we don't know what to begin to test it, only Sam knows it's secrets and in turn industrial illusions." Reiji said.

"Maybe if we talk to Pegasus we can discuss about the summoning." Nakajima suggested.

"Even if we do that, Pegasus is very attached to his cards. So it's most likely he won't tell us as he's known to keep his own secrets." Reiji said.

"That is not good. Why would they keep this a secret until Sam showed if off?" Nakajima said.

Reiji thinks about it. "Maybe Sam and Pegasus have a deeper connection."

He has a theory but if it was just a normal worker Pegasus would have announced the summoning and deck on his own, but why is he letting Sam be the only one to show off it's powers.

"We will have to run a background check, he is from Standard but what is his true family origin." Reiji wonders about that.

He looks at the cards that are shown from his duel and sees that the Autobots are a archetype but what are the other cards that the Cybertronian monster type has.

"It will be a interesting thing to see since not many things can surprise me." Reiji said.

Sam's cards are unique compared to every dimension so what they can do is a mistery along with the new summoning method.

For now Reiji will wait and see, the tournament will be a place that he hopes Sam will participate.

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