Chapter 4 Star Warrior

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Sam was at the city and he was going to a place he's been challenged for a duel.

"Well I need to win more duels to get to the tournament, good thing I found another one for today." He said.

Sam was going down the road and he arrives at the place. "So this is the spot that I got a challenge."

Sam looks around and sees a red hair guy napping.

"Hey, wake up." Sam said.

"H-huh?!" The guy wakes up and sees Sam.

"Ah you're the guy I sent a challenge to." The guy said getting up and stretches.

"Yeah, i'm Sam."

"I'm Akamatsu. Ready to duel?" Akamatsu (From Etra Chan Saw it!) asks getting his duel disk ready.

Sam puts his duel disk on. "Alright."


Sam 4000 LP 5 cards

Akamatsu 4000 LP 5 cards

Sam flips a coin. "heads." He won. "I'll go first."

"Fine with me." Akamatsu said.

"I'll start by summoning Autobot Cosmo in defense mode." Cosmo appears in vehicle mode. 2000 def.

"Autobut eh?" Akamatsu questions.

"I set a facedown and end my turn." He sets a card.

"My turn." Akamatsu draws a card.

"I play the Field Spell Molten Destruction. Now all Fire Attributed monsters gain 500 ATK but lose 400 DEF." Akamatsu said as the field becomes an active volcanic area.

"Now I summon Laval Magma Cannoneer." Akamatsu said as a monster with twin volcano based cannons appears. 1700-2200 atk.

"Lavals?" Sam said.

"That's right. Now Magma Cannoner's effect allows me to send a Fire monster from my hand to the GY and deal 500 points of damage to you and I can do it twice. So I'll send Laval Judgement Lord from my GY and have him blast you." Akamatsu said sending the monster from his hand to the GY allowing Magma Cannoner to charge up his cannons.

Sam raises his arms and guarded.

"Ready! Aim! Fire!" Akamatsu orders as his monster fires balls of lava at Sam.

Sam suffered the damage and grunted. 3500 LP.

"Now I'll send Laval Volcano Handmaiden from my hand to deal another 500." Akamatsu said sending his monster to the GY.

"Now that I got an idea how it works, I'll send Roadhandler to the grave."

"Roadhandler?" Akamatsu questions as Sam sends a card from his hand to the GY.

"Now with this, your monster negated."

Roadhandler in vehicle mode charges and rams the monster causing Magma Cannoner to fall over and fires its attack to the sky.

"Oh well." Akamatsu shrugs uncaringly as his Deck becomes coated in a flaming aura.

"Laval Volcano Handmaiden effect activates allowing me to send a Laval monster from my deck to the GY so I'll send a copy of her to the GY." Akamatsu said taking out a copy of Laval Volcano Handmaiden from his deck before sending it to the GY.

"Now the second Laval Volcano Handmaiden will allow me to send a third and then its effect will allow me to send another Laval monster to the GY." Akamatsu said sending two more cards to the GY.

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