Chapter 1

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Hermione sat across from her younger sister, Y/n, as she opened her Hogwarts letter. Her e/c eyes went wide at the sight of the seal, a relieved smile coming over her face as she read.

'Hermione, look!' She giggled and shoved her acceptance letter in her older sister's face. 'I'm going to Hogwarts!' She shrieked and did three laps of her bedroom before she came to a halt and resumed her position on her bed.

'I know!' Hermione hugged her little sister once she'd settled down. 'I'm so happy for you! Finger's crossed you'll be in Gryffindor with me!'

'Oh I can't wait 'Mione!' She giggled, giddy with excitement at the prospect of waving a wand and saying a few weird Latin words. 'Will they be mean to me?' She spoke after she'd settled down.

'What on earth are you talking about?' Hermione asked her sister, a serious look coming over her face.

'Well...y'know...' She trailed off and looked up at her ceiling.

'Muggle school isn't like Hogwarts. Everyone will love you, trust me. And you won't have to hide your power there. And if anyone tries to hurt you, you can defend yourself, you won't get in trouble.' Hermione spoke, referring to the situation that had occurred last term.

Y/n was bullied, since her first year of school, no one really knew why, but Hermione had her suspicions. Y/n was a Metamorphmagus. Something extremely rare, even for wizards. She'd never been able to control it, so on her first day of school her usually h/c hair was a deep scarlet, her nerves evident. But then as the day had progressed, Y/n became far more comfortable, having her hair fade out into a yellowish blonde. She'd tried to stop it, but it hadn't worked, so naturally, the other children, upon seeing this went crazy, calling her a witch. a freak and completely ignoring her if she'd try to speak to them. But it only got worse from there.

In her fourth year of school, she was minding her own business, reading the Wind in the Willows, one of her favorite books, when, a group of kids had decided to pick a fight with her, she'd shrunk back, her hair turning almost white with fear. One of the girls had called her a freak and slapped her hard across the face. That was the first and not the last time they'd hit her. When Hermione found out she'd screamed at them, doing her best to hide that famous Granger temper, the one Y/n still hadn't grown into.

But in the last term of her sixth year, a flip had switched. As the girls begun to hit her. She stood her ground, remembering what Hermione told her. 'You've got a lion inside of you.' She wasn't a violent girl, she'd never been, but the thought of letting these girls walk all over her was too much to bear, especially for her last year of school. So she did the unthinkable, just as one of the girls raised her hand to strike, she punched her in the face, making the girl stumble back. She hadn't given it a second thought as she sent the girls away crying, but not after convincing several sewer rats to chase after them.

She'd been expelled for it. But at least it prepared her for the next school she'd attend. The next one was worse, the boys had picked on her. So she'd sent as many different animals as she could after them, ignoring the screams from the other children, she returned to her seat, happy to be in peace as her hair returned to it's regular h/c.

'Are you sure 'Mione? Even you said talking to animals isn't normal, even the hair thing.' Y/n wiped a tear away from her eye. At least she had her sister this time.

'I'm sure. Hey, you know what? I'll give you my old school books, I might have written notes in them.' Hermione winked.

'Yeah okay.' The eleven year old's face cracked into a grin at her sister's suggestion.


Y/n and Hermione waved goodbye to their parents as the train moved away from the station.

'I wonder were Ron and Harry are?' Hermione spoke, more to herself, as she looked around the train compartment, as if expecting her friends to magically appear out of thin air, judging by what Hermione had told her about Hogwarts, she wouldn't be that surprised if they did materialize out of thin air.

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