Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV - Two years later

 Two years have passed, two amazingly terrifying long years. I loved it at Hogwarts, for once I actually felt at home. I mean of course I felt at home at my actual home, but being here at Hogwarts - just - I don't know how to explain it.

 Hermione and I are at the Weasley's for the rest of the Summer, it's been fun. Ginny and I have been trying our best to hide from Hermione and Ron's bickering, most of the time we didn't even know what they are  bickering about. Half the time it was about how much Ron ate - (which was fair enough-he ate more than Hagrid on a good day) - or it was about how lazy he was - (which also was fair enough-according to Ginny at least).

I was currently curled up on the couch, staring at the fabulous clock that the Weasley's owned when - quite suddenly - two men came barging into the house, well not quite barging, but being annoying and loud enough for Ginny and I to grumble and get off of the couch and go investigate.

As soon as we made it past the couch Ginny jumped and ran into the two men, embracing them tightly. So this must be Bill and Charlie. I chuckled to myself as Ginny hugged Bill and then Charlie and then she was back to Bill and then- Yeah you get the gist.

'Bill! Charlie! Mum didn't say you'd be here 'till tomorrow?!' She was giddy with excitement as she dragged me over to her oldest brothers. 'Meet my best friend, Y/n Granger, Y/n this is Bill and Charlie.' Ginny grinned as I shook hands with he two guys.

'Pleasure to meet you both.' I grinned, they looked completely different to what I'd have thought. Bill was tall, like Ron and Percy, bit on the leaner side, with long fiery hair and a fang earring, he was dressed in a long trench coat and clearly had just stepped out of a punk concert, very snazzy. But Charlie on the other hand, he was short and stocky like the twins and Ginny, he wore a simple t-shirt and what must have been his best pair of jeans, well they were scuffed, his arms were big and burly with loads, when I say loads, I mean loads of burn scars. I thought maybe they'd traded names or something, but I mentally shrugged, they seemed cool enough.

'Where's everyone else?' Bill asked as Charlie helped himself to a piece of toast heaped with butter.

'Out, Mum figured if she didn't seperate Ron and Hermione soon they'd kill each other.' Ginny shrugged and hopped up onto the counter.

'Who's this Hermione we seem to hear so much about?' Charlie wiggled his brows and earn't an elbow in the ribs from Bill.

'My older sister.' I chuckled. 'Don't worry we've been shipping them for aaageees.'

'That's unless Hermione doesn't get snatched up by some Greek god before then.' I nodded in agreement.

'My sister's gorgeous, many agree.' Ginny agreed with me as she stole the rest of the toast abandoned on a plate.

'I feel like we just stumbled into the wrong kind of conversation- Mum!' Charlie grinned at ran over to Molly and picked her up off the ground in - what could've been - a bone crushing hug.

'Charlie, don't suffocate our dear mother.' Fred - no George - chuckled as he ruffled Molly's hair, she turned to playfully slap him but he was gone before she could.

'Ah so this is Hermione!' Charlie shot Ginny and I an understanding expression, making Ginny and I chuckle.

'I - what?' Hermione asked, a little flustered, before shooting a glare my way. I just shrugged and ran after Ginny outside.

'So Ginger...' I giggled at her as she smacked me. 'What?' I shrugged. 'I could be ginger too?' I scrunched up my face and turned into quite literally another Ginny, same height, same face, same hair, same everything.

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