Chapter 3

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After one exhaustingly long hike up a ginormous hill, Ginny and I fell down in a fit of exhausted giggles, why? Don't ask. 

'Are all these yours?' A man,( Amos Diggory we later found out), asked Mr Weasley as he surveyed the lot of us as Ginny and I quickly stood. I chuckled to myself, remembering I hadn't changed my hair back to normal yet.

'Only the redheads.' Arthur replied. 'This is Hermione and Y/n Granger, friends of Ron and Ginny, and this here is  Harry Potter.'

And of course as per usual Mr Diggory went off his rocker at the thought of Harry being the Harry Potter. I mean come on, I was a bit over all of this to be honest.

Then out of the blue it started raining men, well not literally but definitely a boy fell from a tree and landed gracefully on the ground. Wait a minute - that was Cedric Diggory!

'Ah and this must be Cedric!' Arthur shook hands with Cedric.

'Hello.' He spoke awkwardly. Ginny and Hermione went all lovesick and gooey as I just stared at him. He was a model, surely.

Then Amos started going on and on about how Cedric beat Harry last year, but I but in, slightly offended. My team was amazing, especially when I was the youngest, Muggle chaser on the Gryffindor team.

'Yeah but we still won the cup!' I shot back, a disgruntled look on my face.

'Oh wow, you're here, hello Y/n!' 

'And how do you two know each other?' Mr Diggory asked, slightly amused.

'Had to get her out of trouble a couple of times.'

'Shut up.' I murmured, ignoring his amused expression.

'Alright come on you lot, got to find the Portkey before we miss it.' Arthur chuckled as Ginny and Hermione came up to me.

'When were you going to tell us you know the Cedric Diggory?' Ginny asked as she fell into step with me.

'I did when you were in hospital and Hermione was paralysed, doubled my chances of you guys forgetting so you wouldn't tease me about it later.' I shrugged, wrapping my arms around both girls shoulders. 'Poor Harry's a Celebrity.' I chuckled as we walked past him.

'Hey! I am not.' He retorted as I stuck out my tongue to him.

'Right you lot, gather 'round.' We all did as Mr Diggory said, everyone placed a finger on the boot  as we waited for Arthur to start  the countdown.

'One...Two...HARRY!' Was that meant - Woah!

I'm flying! Well not actually, but I'm floating through space and then whoosh! Now I'm in the middle of a tornado. And then I'm groaning on my back as I hit the ground.

'Ouch.' I huffed, not wanting to open my eyes, I could feel the sun on my face, it was so warm-

'Here.' It was Cedric, he stuck his hand out for me to take.

'Thanks.' I grinned as I took it and brushed myself off. 

'Right this is us, see you at the match you lot.' Mr Diggory spoke and pulled Cedric with him. 

'Yeah, see you at the match.' And the two were gone.

'He's so dreamy.' Hermione sighed dreamily as we walked in the opposite direction. 

I tried not to gag. 'No he's not, he's actually really annoying- what?' 

'I reckon you like him.' Ginny wiggled her eyebrows. 

'Ew no, I only tolerate him cause he got me out of detention with Snape, twice, because Fred and George set me up!' I yelled the last part, making the twins chuckle. 'Don't look at me like that Ginger, he's got the hots for Cho anyway.'

'How on earth do you know that?' Hermione asked, shocked. 

'Everyone tells me everything.' I shrugged. 'Besides, I have a habit of finding things out that I'm not meant to- hey! This is wicked Mr Weasley!' I grinned as I walked into the larger tent. 

'You girls will be in the other tent.' Mr Weasley gestured to the smaller tent to the right. 

'Awesome, thanks!' Ginny took me and Hermione with her to the tent.

'This is so cool!' I grinned as I threw my bag down on one of the beds. 'I love magic.' 

'Come on, lets go see if we can go for a walk and have a look around.' Ginny took my arm. 'See you when we're back 'Mione!' Ginny grinned and pulled me with her. How on earth does this woman have so much energy, didn't we wake up at like four? 'Hey Dad, is it okay if Y/n and I go for a walk?' 

'Yes, that's fine. Stay safe!' He called out after us as we went in the opposite direction. 

'So where are we going?' I asked as we turned to the left. 

'Dunno, wherever our feet take us.' Ginny grinned. 'I'm so excited for the match.' Ginny added, clearly giddy with excitement. 

'Who d'you reckon's going to win?' I asked as we passed Seamus Finnigan, we sent him and his mother a wave and continued on.

'Probably Bulgaria, I mean they've got Krum.' Ginny sighed. 

'Yeah but their chasers are bloody awful.' I grimaced.

'True.' She paused, clearly deep in thought. 'Okay well, either way I reckon Krum's going to catch the snitch.' 

'I reckon either way Ireland's going to win.' 


'Yep, really-oh sorry.' I quickly apologised as I bumped into a boy, I glanced up and gulped. No, please not Malfoy and his friends. 

'Watch where you're going Mudblood!' He scowled as he shoved passed Ginny and I. 

'Watch your mouth you foul-' 

'He's not worth it Y/n/n.' Ginny muttered. 

'Oh, how sweet, your blood traitor girlfriend's here to save the day-' 

'Watch you mouth Malfoy.' I hissed, trying to stop my blood from boiling over. 

'Oooohoo.' He chuckled and sauntered off. 

'Yeah that's it, run off to Daddy, you wuss.' I spat and turned before things could get out of hand. 'He sucks.' I huffed. 

'Yes he does. But good job not ripping his teeth out one by one.' Ginny chuckled as my eyes went wide. 'Your hair.' She chuckled, my hair was probably bright red. I scrunched up my face and felt it return to its regular h/c.

'Thank you for the idea. Might use it next time.' I grinned as I turned to face her.

'Oh no-Y/n that's not what I mean-' Ginny chased after me as I ran to a stand selling tiny moving figurines. 

'Wow.' I grinned. 

'Wow indeed.' Ginny chuckled. 

'I shouldn't get one, but- no. That'd be weird.' I pulled myself away from the carts and continued exploring. 'I love magic.' I said for the second time in twenty minutes. 

'I can tell.' Ginny giggled as she pulled me over to a cart selling posters.

'Imagine having moving wizard posters on your wall, that'd be so weird. Every morning you'd wake up and they'd be staring down at you.' I shuddered at the thought.

'Yeah no, that's creepy. We should probably head back and help Dad, Bill, Charlie and Percy'll be here soon.' I sighed, tearing myself away from the merchandise. 

'Yeah, good idea.' 

Mudblood - Blaise Zabini X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now