Part 5

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Y/n's POV

  I woke to a pounding headache. My eyes still tight shut as I went to sit up.

  'Y/n! Thank goodness, you're alright.' Hermione rushed to my side and helped me sit up. I was in the big tent, I realised after my eyes adjusted. On the couch.

  'W-what happened?' I whispered, as I clutched my head.

  'The Veela effected you in a bad way.' She replied, a little too loudly and I winced.

  'Hey Y/n/n, at least you're prepared for hangover's now!' George whispered and I chucked meekly.

  'You probably shouldn't be telling me that.' I whispered back. 'Remember thirteen.' I said pointedly.

  That shut him up, but he gave me a, 'you never know' look and winked before slipping out of the room.

  I took my wand out and fiddled with it, trying to figure out something, anything, to take my mind off of how confusing this whole situation really was.

  Then I heard what sounded like a scream and bolted up, running outside, my headache vanished as I saw the masks.

  'Mr Weasley!' I called over my shoulder. 'You might wanna see this.' I muttered as all of the Weasley's ran up to me.

  'Death Eaters.' Bill muttered as the four men ran off  in the direction of the figures.

  'Hermione you come with me and Harry, Ginny, stick with the twins, you too Y/n.' I nodded to Ron and followed close behind. Shaking slightly as I ran after Ginny and the twins.

  So this was fear. I established as I was pushed out of the way in the panic, and somehow dragged into the forest, my heart pounding in my ears. My breathing uneven as I tried to fight my way through to find my friends.

  'You shouldn't be out here.' A male voice sounded behind me and I jumped, fear evident as I saw a boy I vaguely recognised as Blaise Zabini.

  I didn't know how to reply I just stared at him. 'N-neither should you.' I felt the panicked tears brewing.

  'You're that Granger girl aren't you? That always hangs around the girl Weasley.'

  'We have names you know.' I replied curtly, not in the mood for some attractive rich Slytherin boys assessment.

  'Of course, well mine's Blaise.' He extended a hand and I took it.
  'Y/n. Are you sure a pure blood such as yourself should be touching a Mudblood like me?' Sarcasm dripped from my lips.

  'Well, after all, when the cat's away, the mice will play.' He smirked. 'But we best not mention this to Malloy hmm?'

  'Y-yeah.' I nodded in agreement, a little taken aback. 'So ummm, so what are you doing out here?'

  'The same as you I'd assume, unless you're one of them and you're coming to kill me.' He winked.

  'Oh, very interesting, umm, I uh, I should probably keep running before-'

  He pulled me down just as a jet of light came towards me.

  'Well umm, that was close.' I muttered, not realising how flustered I really was as he helped me stand.

  'You're- you're changes?'

  'Ha, yeah, Metamorphmagus I am.' I did a stupid little mock bow. 'At your service.' I smiled as he grinned and absentmindedly look a strand of my hair in his hand, and gently ran it through his fingers.

  'Wow.' He muttered under his breath.

  'Thanks?' It was more of a question when he stepped away and blinked several times.

  'Sorry, it's're beautiful.' He whispered out. 'I'm sorry I shouldn't have. I just- y'know...'

  'Yeah, it's um, it's fine, thanks.' I blushed. 'It's just I'm not exactly used to the compliments, what with my sister practically being a model and Ginny looking like the goddess she is, why on earth am I telling you this, my greatest of apologies Mr Zabini- hold on.'

  We both stopped talking as we waited to hear something in the dark, nothing.

  'C'mon. I know the way back.' He whispered and I nodded, allowing him to take my hand and guide me.

  We made it back to the campground, safely, thank Merlin, just as a group passed by us and we disappeared behind a tree.

  'Hey, you okay?' He asked as I felt a tear fall.

  'Wha-oh.' I touched my cheek absentmindedly. Oh get a grip Y/n, no one wants a cry baby, toughen up. I told myself sternly. I've been through worse, this is Christmas in comparison to a Basilisk. 'Yeah I'm fine.' I replied. 'Just a little shaken up.'

  'Fair enough.' He replied, his eyes never leaving mine.

  I tore my eyes away, before I could get lost in those chocolate eyes of his. 'Thank you for saving me.' I chuckled as he nodded.

  'Anytime.' Was his reply as he kissed me on the cheek.

  'I um, should be heading back now, thank you again, I'll see you at school?' I asked, cursing the hopeful tone in my voice.

   'Of course, bye beautiful.' I blushed and nodded, before running off the other way.


  By the time we got back to the Burrow the next day I'd been filled in on the others stories. All I could say about mine was that I was fine. Nothing else I really could say would make sense.

  'Oh thank goodness you're alright.' Mrs Weasley ran to the twins and embraced them so tightly you would've thought they'd have suffocated.

  'Hey Y/n.' I jumped a little as Bill laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

  'Yeah?' I asked, confused as to why he and Ginny were giving me concerned looks.

  'What's wrong, you've been so quite all day, I mean of course we're all a little shaken up, but you've gone mute.' Was Bill's reply as I sighed, lump in my throat forming.

  'I just- I've been through more, worse things in my life, far worse, but this- this is different. Seeing the evil right there, not hidden anymore, right there up close, I dunno. It's terrifying.' I muttered, furiously wiping my eyes. 'At least it's not dementors hey?' I chuckled.

  'Oh Y/n.' Ginny hugged me as tight as she could and I hugged her back just the same.

  'How are you coping with this so normally...?' I asked them both.

  'Well I guess for me you get used to it, it's a wizard's life.' Bill replied. Giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before he turned to Percy and Mr Weasley.


  'Why does the Summer have to vanish like this, so quickly?' I asked, no one in particular as I hugged Mrs Weasley, Percy, Mr Weasley, Bill and Charlie goodbye.

  'God knows.' Fred replied.

  'Indeed he does.' George added.

  'So ask him.' They said in unison, causing Ginny and I to giggle a little.

  'Right you lot, off you pop, the train's about to go!' Mr Weasley spoke a little frantically as we all piled onto the Hogwarts express.

  'Bye!' Ginny and I called together, smiling broadly as we made our way through the hallway.

  'I'm so excited.' I grinned. 'All those hints, I wonder what's happening this year!' I whisper shouted to Ginny as we slid into a compartment with Luna Lovegood.

  'I know right, I'm so excited!' Ginny couldn't hold back a smile as we both flopped down onto the seats.


Mudblood - Blaise Zabini X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now