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Getting my job back was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I had another week until the office reopened, and I took full advantage of that time.

I went to the courts to refile for visitation with my son. I was surprised when the clerk told me that it was already set in place a few months ago and hasn't been canceled.

I'm starting to believe that Ronda didn't really want to stop me from seeing Kevin, especially since she was having a kid of her own.

This was all Kalvins doing, but I was going to change all of that.

My supervised visits were supposed to be for the first 10's been 14. The clerk and I talked for a while, and I was given a different mediator.

"Usually the child will act differently when the primary parent is near then when they're not."

"Do you think he would feel more comfortable being with me if it was just us two?"

"Yeah, I think so. It's happened a few times when father's go for visitation. The child had to rely on the father for what he or she needed because the mother wasn't there."

"In turn would eventually make them trust the father..."


I felt some hope that this would work for me and my son. The updated papers were filed and will be sent out tomorrow.

Hopefully, I won't get any pushback.

I went home to start my dinner, and I was on high. My optimism was growing, I wasn't letting anything ruin my day.

My phone was ringing, it was an unknown number. I answered, not sure if it was something important.



Kalvin's voice was on the other end, and I prepared for confrontation.

"How can I help you, Kalvin?"

"Kevin, is in the hospital. He was attacked by one of the neighbors' dogs."

My heart dropped. "What hospital?!"


I hung up and rushed out the door. It was a blur how I got there, and time felt like seconds when I pulled into the parking lot. My heart was racing when I walked into the hospital.


I saw Mrs. Rachel and she gave me a hug.

"He's in room 44."

I hurried to my baby and braced myself for the worse. To my delight, Kevin was sitting up, coloring with a bandage around his left leg. He had a few scuff bruises on his face, but he seemed fine.

My first instinct was to go over to him and kiss his forehead, and I did. I completely ignored Kalvin. My focus was Kevin.

"What did the doctors say?" I asked.

"He got a few stitches, no rabies, and will be fine."

"Okay, good. Thank you for calling me."

He gave me a nod, and my focus was back on our son. After Kalvin left, I stayed at the hospital and made sure our son was fed and washed up.

Kevin was getting sleepy, and once he closed his eyes, I went to go to the restroom.

"Mom...Mom...Mommyyyy..." I heard him talking.

I hurried out of the restroom, thinking Ronda was here. But it was just me and him.

"M-Mommy..." he was sniffling.

What I saw made tears well up in my eyes. Kevin was reaching for me...ME.

Oh my God...he called me mom.

I got into the hospital bed with him. My heart was so full while I held my baby in my arms. I kissed his forehead.

"Mommy is here, baby. I'm not going anywhere."


The next morning, I went to the hospital with clean clothes, socks, and comfortable slides for Kevin.

My phone rang as I fed him some oatmeal, and he played with his action figures that I bought him.


"Hey, it's Kalvin."

"Hello, Kevin is doing great. I'm feeding him right now, and he should be ready to go home today or in the morning."

"Yeah? That's good."

"Mommy, look!"

Kevin made the action figure jump from the bed railing to the tray in front of him.

"Great job, baby." I praised him.

"Um, you think you'll be able to watch Kevin for me? I have to go back into work, and Ronda is busy with the..."

"No problem. I got him."

"Oh okay...thanks."

"You don't have to thank me. I'm his mother. Enjoy your day, Kalvin."

" too, Essence."

I hung up with a smile on my face.

"You wanna get some ice cream?" I asked Kevin.


My nervousness was gone, and it felt like it did when I had him with me a year ago. We went and got ice cream, then went home and I made us some dinner for later.

We played with his toys, ate dinner, then watched cartoons until he fell asleep. I put him in my bed and went to lay on the couch to watch a movie I wanted to see.

I was asleep within the first ten minutes.

There was a group of older women chanting around a fire. They all rocked back and forth with their palms facing the sky.

Screams of a woman are heard in the background, but I can't see her. The fire begins to rise, and the chants get louder.

"Please help me! Please!"

Out from the fire, I see Bellamy, but he has black horns coming out from each side of his head. His eyes are pitch black along with his tongue sticking out his mouth. All the women bow before him.

Soon, all the chanting women began to scratch at their skin until it bled. And the screams from the woman were heard again as Bellamy lifted her into the air by her throat.

"Essence! HELP ME!!"

Now I could see the woman was my friend Dawn. I screamed when he was about to bite into her neck. That caused his focus to come my direction.

My heart is pounding while he looks directly at me. He walked completely out of the blazing fire naked. My stomach dropped.

"There you are."

My cheek felt something caress against it.

I jumped awake, opening my eyes, and Amin was sitting on the floor next to the sofa. He was staring at me with a soft grin.

My voice wouldn't let me scream. I was convinced he was causing my silence.

"Shh... you don't want to wake up your kid, do you?"

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