Chapter 14

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Somehow, I get through the whole show without stumbling through any of my lines or struggling for any notes. When the curtain closes between the finale and the curtain call, Ella jumps into my arms – literally – and Eric and the rest of the main characters group hug around me before we run off stage. We start our way to the back entrance of the stage. I'm holding my hands to my cheeks, grinning from ear to ear as everyone praises me on my performance. Everyone starts their way out and onto the stage for their bows, leaving Ella and me.

"Jules, I think that was the most fun I've ever had for a show. I hate that Annie was sick, but I'm so glad I got to perform with you for your debut."

She smiles as she takes my hand and we run out for the curtain call together. We take our bows, start clapping for the musical director and orchestra, then take our final bows before the curtains close. I stand center stage with Ella as everyone starts surrounding me, congratulating me and asking when I'm performing again. Through the dozens of conversations being thrown at me, Candice and Eliza walk up with bouquets of roses.

"Guys!" I say in a higher timbre as I spot them slipping through the group. They both walk up together, handing me the bouquets and giving me a hug.

"You were fantastic!" Candice says.

"Truly exquisite," Eliza comments. "I'm proud to have both you and Candice taking over."

"That means so much, Liza. You have no idea," I say as I hug her again. "You're the only person I wanted approval from."

"You've had my approval since the first time I heard you sing, Juliette. You have one of those voices that could move mountains; and tonight, you did."

I smile as my eyes start welling up.

"You're going to make me cry," I say as I chuckle.

They both give me another hug before they head off and everyone starts to disburse. Ella and I start walking off stage and turn toward our dressing rooms when I hear a familiar female voice shout out my name. I turn around and I spot my parents. My eyes light up and my jaw drops as I open my arms while they step forward for a hug.

"Mama! Papa!" I say as we all start hugging for a few seconds. "What are you doing here?" I ask in Spanish.

"We got a call from your boyfriend last week, offering to fly us out," my dad starts. I glance behind my parents and spot Scott standing there with a large bouquet of white roses – which are my favorite – and the biggest smile on his face.

"Why didn't you tell us you got a part in the cast?" My mom starts in Spanish, then switches back to English. "We thought you were just on the crew."

"I was only on the crew until I got back from Greece."

"You have a pretty wonderful boyfriend for bringing us out for your debut," my mom says. I glance back at Scott again and smile.

"I sure do." He steps forward and wraps his free arm around my mom's shoulders.

"I have another surprise for you, Jules."

"What?" I softly ask, my eyes widening slightly, then I see a few people walk up from behind him, each of them holding single white roses.

"These are my parents, Colin and Diana, and my little sister Lily," he introduces. My smile gets even bigger as each of them step up to hand me my rose and give me a hug.

"So wonderful to finally meet you!" I say as Scott walks around them all to stand next to me. He leans in for a kiss, wrapping his arm around my waist.

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