Chapter 18

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I return to my dressing room after the show, walking in to find a huge bouquet of white roses sitting on the table next to the couch. I stop in my tracks for a moment, then shift my eyes toward the chair. Paul helps me out of the corset of the dress, then he gets started with removing the green from my body, beginning with my face.

"Did you see that bouquet on the table over there?" He asks as he begins.

"How could I miss it? It's at least two bouquets in one."

"Your man's apologizing to you," he starts, then pauses. "Are white roses your favorite?"

"They are," I reply, giving a tiny nod. "I'm surprised he even remembered."

"That gives him some brownie points, at least for me."

"I'd give him the benefit of the doubt for that," I giggle as I close my eyes for him to start taking the eyeshadow off.

"I'd give him a lot more than that for remembering my favorite flower," Paul responds, using sponges to gently wipe the makeup off.

"I'm sure you would."

We both start lightly laughing as he keeps working on my face. Continuing to talk about Scott, I really didn't mind. It was a bit therapeutic being able to lightly make fun of him while Paul gawked, which made me laugh even more. Believe me, I get it. Scott is the most attractive man I've ever known and being able to date him is a major highlight of my life, mostly because I never thought I'd be able to land someone as gorgeous as him on top of how genuine I thought he was.

We finally finish for the day, just in time for Paul to begin getting Eliza green for the evening show. I grab my things from the couch and snag the note from the roses as I start walking toward the door. She and I pass each other as she walks in and as I walk out. We both smile and high five, she tells me great job while I tell her to rock it – because obviously she will, no matter what. I'm just about out the door as she stops me.

"Hey Jules, were these for you?" Eliza asks, pointing toward the roses.

"No, they're all yours," I reply, smiling. I tap the side of the door, then disappear behind it and close the door shut.

Just as I close the door, I look down at the tiny envelope that says 'Juliette' on it. I look around, making sure Ella's not spying on me, then I shove it into my purse and walk down the stairs. I find Ella hanging out next to the stage door, talking to a few of the crew. I walk up and stand right next to her, not even noticing I'm there for a few minutes until Will, who plays Boq, acknowledges me.

"Jules, wonderful performance," Will comments. Ella jerks her head to her left, finding me standing there.

"Thank you," I smile.

"You're finally ready?" She asks sarcastically, raising her eyebrows.

"It's not my fault Paul doesn't have a break between removing my makeup and applying Eliza's."

"Alright, alright, it was my fault. I'll take it." Ella nods her head along with her response just before we both wave at everyone, saying goodbye, then head out the door.

Since we're walking home while the sun is still up and people are running about in the West End, we get stopped quite a few times for pictures and autographs. We both obviously are generous about not wanting to rush anything and stand around to chat with the fans as well, which is one of my favorite things about the job and being able to be in the cast. When the fans start scurrying off back to their evenings, Ella and I continue our walk home. Knowing damn well she's going to ask again; I beat her to it.

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