Day 1 - Rememberence

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Sakusa woke up in a hospital room, and although he couldn't remember why he was there, he was sure to find out soon. He heard a noise at the door and saw it slide open.


It was Atsumu Miya

"Ats-" Sakusa's words were cut off by the immediate hug from Atsumu.

"Just shut up for a minute..."

Soft sobs and hics started coming from the fake blonde as he held tightly onto Sakusa. Atsumu's arms wrapped tightly around Sakusa. Sakusa was confused about what was going on and why he was in the hospital. Nothing hurt, nothing felt off, what could possibly be wrong?



"Why am I here?"

Atsumu lifted himself away from Sakusa and looked at him with confusion. "You don't remember?"

Sakusa felt a bit guilty for not remembering such an important part of this situation.

"No.. is that a bad thing?"


There was an unsettling silence the two of them shared.
"Omi.. you-" he cut himself off.

"Omi, you collapsed in the middle of cooking us something.. and "

The hard words got choked in his throat, but he didn't want to tell him.

"You just got hurt.. that's all. " Atsumu chuckled shyly and placed a hand on the back of his head.

Sakusa was slightly suspicious. He looked at Atsumu but shook it off and pulled him into a hug. Atsumu crawled into the bed next to Sakusa and laid there next to him. Sakusa held Atsumu in his arms and caressed the back of his head.

Hours passed until a nurse came into his room and notified Atsumu that visiting time was over. The nurse talked to Atsumu, and Atsumu talked to her about Sakusa not remembering anything, nor did he want Sakusa to know what was happening.

The nurse understood and agreed upon Atsumu's request to keep quiet. The nurse did what she did and left, and so did Atsumu. He was worried for Sakusa.

Sakusa stared at the empty ceiling and rested his arms on his lap. The silence soon got to him, it was peaceful and yet felt uneasy about this entire situation. The way Atsumu reacted replayed over in his mind. The way he seemed to shake off of telling him the truth.

Sakusa wanted to call up Atsumu and ask him, but at the same time, where was his phone? Had he lost it? Sakusa didn't pay much mind to it because he assumed Atsumu would return to him during visiting time tomorrow.

Sakusa's vision started to get blurry and dark. He shifted himself comfortably in the bed and, soon enough, fell asleep.

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