Day 2 - The Flowers

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Sakusa was somewhat relieved to have been released from the hospital. He didn't know why he was there in the first place. All he knew was that he got 'hurt'. Sakusa grabbed his things and walked out of the hospital's main entrance, only to be greeted by an excited blonde. He immediately put his mask back on.


Atsumu ran up to Sakusa and wrapped his arms around him. Sakusa just stood there and looked at Atsumu. There was a sort of silence, but it was peaceful with the sounds of the wind swaying with the trees. Sakusa was able to wiggle himself free from Atsumu and took a step back.

"I'm glad to have you back, Omi."

Sakusa sighed and walked alongside Atsumu

"Let's just go."

Atsumu walked with Sakusa along the sidewalk, stealing glances once in a while at Sakusa. Sakusa kept quiet. He wanted to ask Atsumu about the other day and why he stuttered to give him an answer. Sakusa didn't pay much mind to it due to Atsumu now grabbing onto his arm and leaning on his shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Can't I relax on you for a bit?"

"... Fine"

Sakusa let Atsumu hold onto his arm. He wasn't sure where they were going, but he was a little happy to be out of the hospital. He likes the quality time he and Atsumu have. Sakusa felt Atsumu jolt, and he looked down to see what he was so 'excited' about.


He pointed at a pathway that was lined with Sakura trees. It was around that time of the year when the petals had already bloomed and were peacefully falling from the trees. Atsumu looked up at Kiyoomi with pleading eyes. Sakusa knew that look and gave in to it.

Long story short, they were now walking along the path that was lined with Sakura trees. Atsumu knows exactly how to persuade Sakusa into doing what he wants to do most of the time. Sakusa wasn't too happy about that, but it didn't bother him that much because at least it made Atsumh happy.

Sakusa saw a petal fall into Atsumu's hair. He looked at it for a while before picking it out of his hair and telling him about it. Atsumu was flustered and had asked Sakusa if he could keep the petal. Sakusa didn't know why he'd want to but placed the petal into Atsumu's hand and let him keep it.

"Thank you, Omi"

Sakusa just stared into the blonde's happy look. He got flustered by the way the sun had shone through his hair and onto his skin. Everything looked perfect to him. They continued to walk down the path and back home.

When they arrived back home, Atsumu showed him around just because it had been awhile since he's been inside the place and didn't know if he had forgotten it. Sakusa looked around and immediately headed to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" "Omi?"

"I'm making dinner. What else could I possibly be doing right now?"

"You just got out of the hospital - let me cook for you."
  Atsumu said, trying to take the pan from Sakusas hand. Sakusa turned his back to Atsumu, blocking him.

"Not a chance."


Sakusa made curry buns, and Atsumu got smacked by Sakusa with the pan.

"It's not my fau-"


Sakusa snickered and looked at Atsumu .

"You deserved it."

Atsumu chucked a pillow at Kiyoomi, but Sakusa just caught the pillow.

"Oh fuck..."

Atsumu ran to the bedroom and locked himself in.
Sakusa was about to open the door when he got the good idea to come in through the window.

Atsumu turned his head slowly to the side till his eyes met Sakusa's, who was sitting in the open window sill.


Atsumu tried to run but tripped on air. Sakusa jumped into the room and caught Atsumu in his arms.

Sakusa chuckled at Atsumu before placing a soft kiss on his lips, unlocking the room and leaving. He left Atsumu, flustered, in the room behind him.

Atsumu flung open the door and saw Kiyoomi sitting on the couch, watching TV. He calmed down and sat next to Sakusa on the couch. They sat there watching a movie. It was only halfway in when Sakusa's head fell onto Atsumu's shoulder. He had drifted off to sleep.


Atsumu asked as if he expected an answer. He had only now realized Sakusa had fallen asleep.

"Ah, okay then." He laughed softly and rested his head on top of Sakusa's.

"Goodnight, Omi."

Atsumu fell asleep next to Sakusa, only waking up a few hours later to see that Sakusa had tucked him into the bed and was now preparing something in the kitchen. Atsumu walked out of the bedroom and saw Sakusa playing around with a bouquet.

"What's that for?" He asked in a soft tone.

"You seemed to like the Sakura Blossems from the trail we walked on earlier. So I went back there and picked up some of the branches."

Sakusa rested his hands on the kitchen island and looked at Atsumu, who was waddling over beside Kiyoomi.

"Thank you, Omi."
Atsumu said as he hugged Sakusa's side and buried himself closer to Sakusa. Sakusa wrapped one arm around Atsumu and placed his hand on Atsumu's other shoulder, comforting him. Atsumu smiled and looked up at Kiyoomi, shedding a single tear.

Sakusa felt shocked to see Atsumu crying. Sakuda picked him up and placed him on the kitchen island.

"Why are you crying?" "Atsu?"
He placed a hand and caressed Atsumu's cheek.

"It's nothing, really. I love you, so much."
Atsumu leaned his head into Sakusa's touch, and continued to smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" "Yeah, I'm okay."

Sakusa sat in silence and continued to look down at Atsumu, no longer questioning his mentality. The two of them let go of each other. Sakusa finished cleaning up the flowers and Atsumu sat and watched him, sitting on a bar stool.

Sakusa finished freshening up the flowers. Then the two of them agreed to watch a movie before slowly falling asleep. Atsumu laid on top of Kiyoomi's chest, and fell asleep.

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