Day 4 - That restaurant on the corner

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Atsumu woke up on the couch to see that Sakusa wasn't lying next to him. He looked around in a small panic. He looked up and saw Sakusa making coffee in the kitchen. Kiyoomi was wearing grey sweatpants and a black compression shirt.

"Omi?"  Atsumu asked. His voice was soft due to him just waking up.

"Yes, Atsu?"

"Where are you going? You rarely wear that type of clothing."

"I'm going out for a morning run after I finish my coffee. Did you want to join me?"

Sakusa turned around and held his coffee close to him. Atsumu smiled softly and sat up. He walked over to Sakusa.

"I'd love to join you. Just let me freshen up a bit."

"Okay, my love." His smile was hidden behind his mask, but he pulled it down to sip his coffee.

Atsumu walked into the bathroom to take a shower after he grabbed some spare clothes from the bedroom. Sooner or later, he came out of the shower and put on his shoes for the run with Sakusa.

"Are you ready?" Sakusa asked taking the last sip of coffee that was left in his mug.

"Yeah, are you?"

"I have been."

"Oh, okay then. Shall we get going?" Atsu asked standing back up once he finished tying his laces.

"Yeah. Here" Sakusa handed Atsumu a water bottle for the run.

"Thank you, omi." Atsumu looked at him before the two of them left the house and started their run. The dark haired male would nod his head and head for the door, leaving with the blonde behind him.

After about an hour or so, they ended up deeper into city where they would be thirsty and out of water. Coincidentally, there was a smaller Cafe just at the other corner where the two runners stopped. Atsumu looked over at Sakusa before crossing the street, towards the Cafe's entrance. Sakusa did not mind, he was a bit humbled when he saw the crossing time was about up, so he had no other choice but to run to the other side of the street to where Atsumu was.

"Is this alright for a small pitstop?"

Atsumu turned around after asking Sakusa the question. He was observing the Cafe's interior from the giant wall-like-window the Cafe had. Atsumu saw how tuckered out the bent over Kiyoomi was, catching his breath. He let out a short chuckle before taking Kiyoomi's silence as a 'Yeah, that would be nice'. 

The open roomed Cafe had many internal seats and a few against the sunny widow. Off-white walls with a lot of wood. Wood floors, wood beams, tables, and other natural decor. A specific wall, opposite side of the main entrance, housed many picture frames of photography that the owner must have taken themselves and hung upon that blank wall. Atsumu liked the inside and how welcoming it felt. Kiyoomi did not mind the interior, it felt spacey enough with there being no other people in the room other than him, Atsumu, and the now incoming cashier.

"Good morning, you two!"

The cashier was a woman, probably in her early thirties or late twenties. To loud though. She took her place I front of the cash register and lit up the room with her happy-go-lucky personality. Of course Atsumu was the one to already be prepared for what he wanted and went ahead and ordered for himself. (he took a quick peak at the menu from earlier when he was looking in from the outside)

"I'll just have a water."

Kiyoomi walked up next to Atsumu, who was already being given his banana nut muffin and raspberry shake. His eyes narrowed when he saw the muffin paired with a muffin, but just walked over to a widow-side table when he was handed water. At this table, Atsumu sat on the side closest to the door. Kiyoomi sat across from him.

"Have you ever had a banana nut muffin, Omi?"

"No, and I wish not too."

"Come on- just a bite... please?~"


Silence followed for a minute or few until he gave in and broke off a chunk of muffin from the main body. Kiyoomi ate this pastry and had grown a soft look to him. It showed like he enjoyed it but didn't know whether or not to let the blondy across from him know that.
He finished of the peice and went back to his water.

"Too dry." He lied. Kiyoomi did in fact enjoy the muffin.

"You always have something bad to say about my taste in pastry's."

Atsumu looked puzzled but also a mad-upset, crossing his arms. This look on him only lasted seconds before he starred out the window and finished his mini meal. He observed the tall buildings. They were not skyscrapers, but big enough to seem like them compared to the small shop they resided in. It was around this moment Atsu had cought a glimpse of Kiyoomis reflection on the window. Kiyoomi was looking at him.

Atsumu smiled before getting up and throwing his garbage away, thanking the owner and waiting for Kiyoomi to follow him.

"Ready to go home, Omi?"

Kiyoomi nodded and followed shortly behind Atsumu, throwing his trash out on the way out.

The two of them ran back to where they slept at night and were both glad to be welcomed by the cool AC.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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