Day 3 - Secrets

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Sakusa had woken up to Atsumu trying to cook something and mumbling under his breath.


His deep morning voice broke the silence. This caused Atsumu to turn around and lock eyes with Kiyoomi.

"Hm? Oh, you're awake."

"What are you doing?"

"Well! I'm trying to make some pancakes but I don't remember where we put the flour when we moved in here together."

He sighed and placed a hand on the back of his neck, before continuing to look at Kiyoomi's messy hair.

"You should go comb your hair and then come help me."

Sakusa's expressed more of an annoyed aura. He stood up and walked to the bathroom to comb his hair and do some other things, before walking back out to the kitchen by Atsumu. Sakusa stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Being clingy today I see?"

Sakusa mumbled and rested his head on Atsumu's shoulder, watching from there what Atsu was doing.

"Wanna help me?" "Or... can you?"

Sakusa closed his eyes and straightened up his back, letting go of Atsumu's sides. He went into a cabinet that was higher up and pulled out the flour.

"Why was it up so high?"

"Because I knew a day like this would come. Plus, who knows what would happen if I wasn't here to help you? We don't want that to happen again, now do we?"

Atsumu grumbled as he took the flour from Sakusa's hand and poured the right measurements into the mixing bowl.

Sakusa tried to snatch the bag of flour from Atsumu's hand but slipped. Atsumu tripped and fell. Sakusa, landed on top of him, and the bag of flour and its components spilled on the floor. Sakusa and Atsumu locked eyes for a second before, out of embarrassment, Sakusa stood up and offered his hand.

Atsumu took Sakusa's hand and stood up.
"Thank you.." He said, slightly shuddering at his words. A little blush showed on both of their faces.

"SO.. uhh.. " Sakusa muttered

"Sorry about that..." Atsumu replied solemnly.

The two of them look at each other. Sakusa pulled Atsumu close eyes. Atsumu was flustered by his immediate actions and copied his look. Kiyoomi lifted Atsumu's head close to his by his chin and kissed his lips softly. Atsumu's face became as red as a tomato and followed Sakusa's lead.

Sakusa pulled away from the kiss and saw Atsumu lean in closer to him.

"Getting desperate, now are we?"

He chuckled to himself.

"..Shut up.."

Atsumu muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."
Sakusa replied.

"Nothing... let's just finish dinner and go to bed."
Atsumu said, pushing himself beside Kiyoomi and started to clean up the spilled pile of flour.

Sakusa said, stepping closer to Atsumu's side.

"Ya omi?"
Atsumu turned to face Kiyoomi, as he stopped sweeping.

"Why did you hesitate to tell me what was wrong with me when you were still in the hospital?"

Atsumu froze up. Almost like he had seen a ghost.
He lowered his head quickly before looking back up to Kiyoomi.

"What do you mean? I didn't hesitate?"

"Stop lying... I saw you. Don't treat me like a clueless child.."

Atsumu's gaze went cold as if all of his heartstrings had been cut. He stood there silently, trying to work up the courage to tell Kiyoomi the same thing that the doctors had told him.

"Answer m-"

"Kiyoomi... I-"
He paused.

"The day you woke up and I told you That you had fallen while making dinner was a lie.. I lied to you because I wanted our last moments to be eventful and fun. I didn't want to worry or make you worried. But..."

Sakusa didn't know what was going on, well, he could sort of pick up on it, but he didn't know what terrible thing could escape from Atsumu's lips in a matter of seconds.

"The doctor told me that you have an incurable disease... it's like an infection, they said. It's growing along your hipline.."

A few minutes of silence was shared between them. For this, kiyoomi saw it as if the world before him was collapsing into a million pieces.

"How long..."

Kiyoomi spoke softly

"What was that?"
Atsumu replied

"How long do I have left to live?"

He said as a single tear formed in his eye.


"Tell me the truth.."

Atsumu hesitated for a second

"As of right now... six more days... apparently.

Sakusa froze... he was losing his life.. and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Soon after, Sakusa fell to his knees and covered his face in his palms. Soft hics and cries could be heard from beneath his hands.


Atsumu bent down and wrapped his arms carefully around Kiyoomi. He started to tear up.
Atsumu buried himself into the crook of Sakusa's neck and kept latching onto him. He regretted not telling him sooner. Maybe, if he did, they could have done more together. Maybe, the two of them could have soon enough accepted the loss.


It's been hours since the two of them have moved... neither of them wanted to.. Atsumu soon thought it was better to savor the moments they had left instead of dwelling on what was to come.

"Come on, Omi.. let's watch a movie.."

Sakusa remaind on the floor. He didn't move, neither did he want to... not yet at least. Atsumu sighed and pulled Sakusa up off the floor. He was now standing under him.

"Come on.. we have to stop wasting time.."


Sakusq was to mumble out a soft-spoken word as he had been crying for a while. He grasped onto the blonde's hand as he was dragged over to the sofa and plopped down. Atsumu grabbed Sakusa and made them some popcorn, before turning on a trending movie.

"Is this okay, Omi?"

Sakusa nodded his head and stole the bowl of popcorn from Atsumu. Atsumu grumbled but let Sakusa be.

Halfway into the movie, Atsumu let out a sleepy yawn and rested his head on Sakusa's side..  soon, falling into the deep dark abyss called 'sleep'

Sakusa had only now just realized that Atsumu had fallen asleep on him. It took him a few minutes to adjust, but after that moment, he gently picked Atsumu up and laid him on his chest. Sakusa was lying flat on the sofa, with a sleepy Atsu resting on top of him. Sakusa placed a soft kiss on Atsumu's head...

"I love you..."


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