5. Disaster

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As Henry awoke again and got out of the bed he had rented last night he couldn't help but notice the fact his gun was missing, after sufficiently checking everywere even his bag, which was now more empty than before, he had given up. Henry had been robbed last night while he slept, thankfully the thief had not discovered where Henry had stashed his earnings but this presented a major setback for Henry, how would he defend himself.

Wasting no time Henry grabbed his sack and the money and walked out the door, Henry tried to downplay the severity of the situation, they hadn't stolen any of his scrap or loot which he could still sell, and the gun he had wasn't very sophisticated he told himself. Yet it didn't change the fact he was now without protection and needed protection if he was going to continue surviving out in this wasteland. This caused Henry to make it his primary goal to find a gun anyway he could today, after all he needed protection.


Once Henry had made it to the town center he had studied the area for any signs of a store which might sell guns or weapons, before he could sufficiently study all of the shops however a thin looking man approached him. This man looked noticeably different than Henry, almost like he was from a different group of people entirely. Henry was about to shurg the man off as another businessman trying to sell him something when the man spoke.

"¿Hola amigo, quisieras comprar esta arma/pistola?"

"What? I am sorry I don't know what you mean."

"usted no habla español"

"I am sorry I do not understand what you are saying."

"Jaja que estupido no entiende."

Henry couldn't understand this man but he could tell those last few words didn't sound very friendly, Henry decided to let things be and let bygones be bygones. He shrugged the interaction off and continued scanning the buildings until he found a suitable looking store. Henry had entered into the store and was greeting by a man who looked a lot like him but with different characteristics.

"¿Ingles o español?"

"Ugh are you another one of those guys?"

"Not too fond of Spanish speakers ey my friend?"

"Spanish? Is that what they're speaking."

"Spanish, its another language spoken out here, mainly by the Mexicans."

"Bunch of spicks if you ask me, but anyways what brings you into my shop young man?"

"Yeah I don't know nothing about Spanish but uhh im looking a firearm or a weapon."

"Ahh a weapon you say? Well my friend I have a fine selection of firepower back here, come with me."

The man lead Henry into the back of the store where a plethora of weapons lined the walls, everything from handguns to assault rifles was stored here.

"See anything you like out of this lot?"

"How much would a rifle cost me?"

"Oh that'd be about $4000."

"Whats your cheapest option?"

"Well I got a little worn rifle over here, should get the job done, not the best condition, bolt action, but ammo is easy to come by, I would sell it for about 1000."

"Well I got some money here and a little bit of stuff I got scavenging will this work?"

"Let me take look at that."

The man had began examining Henry's scrap and money and after determining the value of everything he gave Henry the rifle and some money back and took the rest. Henry had been left with a good chunk of his money however, maybe that scrap was worth something after all. So Henry took the remaining money he had and decided to find a place to eat an actual meal in town. He found a diner nearby which wasn't in great condition but was the best chance he had.

After making his way inside he was greeted by a relatively cute and chatty waitress who introduced herself as Kasey. She had dark brown eyes with dark brown hair and was relatively nice to Henry.

"hi! Welcome to the rusty bucket what would you like today sir?"

"Yeah ill just take whatever."

"Okay! We have this special deal today i can get that if you like."

"Yeah that'll be good thanks."

"Alright ill be back with your order! Oh,what would you like to drink?"

"Yeah ill just have a cola."

"Okay I will come back with your drink!"

Once the waiter left Henry had some time to himself, he began to think back on everything that had led him to this moment. As well as the horrors he had seen getting here, he contemplated just staying in this town like all these other people, but something told Henry he had to keep going. Somehow Henry knew he needed to know more and he needed to get to Atom City, Henry felt something pulling him to Atom City, some feeling of importance.

Henry had no idea what was so important about Atom City or why exactly he needed to be there but now he had a feeling that it was where he needed to be, that all his questions would be answered there. That something big was about to happen and Henry had no idea just what it was, but he knew that whatever it was he had to be there for it. After coming back to his senses Henry had realized the waiter had already placed his drink on the table without him noticing, he sat there and began to sip his cola.


Henry knew it was time for him to leave this town like every other town and once again continue his journey to Atom City, though the path there was filled with many hardships and much guilt he continued anyway. Henry hadn't known it yet but he was more important than he thought, he would make a name for himself but whether that was through evil or good he couldn't tell. Would Henry abandon his morality, would he give in to temptation and become a crminal?

Henry thought he was crazy, did criminals even exist out here in the wasteland? What defines a criminal out here? He had no idea, all he knew was that he had a choice to either abandon his morals or reinforce them. To be a beacon of good in a sea of villainy, or to fall to the forces of evil and become just like the rest in this wasteland. Killing, robbing, looting, and raping just to get by and make a living, just because they can and sometimes had too.

But Henry couldn't make that choice alone, Henry felt that whatever help he needed to make that choice would be found in Atom City. Henry felt that all his questions would be answered in Atom City, after this long rant in his head Henry decided it was time to get walking, after all he had a long day ahead of him if he was going to make it to Atom City and get those answered he desired.

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