CHAPTER 1 ---caffeinated---

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" A mocha frap and cinnamon roll please"

"To go?" the cashier asked

"Yeah." I say as I rummage through my bag for cash

"That would be 3.95." the cashier informs me

I hand her the money and tap my red Converse on the shiny floor out on irritation. Not that I'm irritated at the cashier or that my order was taking so long. I just feel so sleepy since yesterday, with all the cramming and projects due to today. Why haven't I did those before the due date you ask? I have no idea too, just too lazy I guess. any minute I might drop down dead . Still tapping my sneakers impatiently, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where the hell are you?!" the caller yells.

"And hi to you too, Keanne." I say exasperated. "Its rude to yell at people in the morning, you know. Especially to those who crammed stuff in their brain"

Before she had the chanced to reply or I simply haven't heard her, My name was called to claim my order. Its about time my order came. My shoe could have had a hole from the rapid tapping I did.

"MILLICENT!" my phone yelled.

Did my phone just yelled at me? Oh. Yeah. keanne, I forgot she was still there. Guess she didn't hang up awhile ago. God, I feel so stupid right now.

"Yeah?" I said, getting out of the store, heading to my beloved car.

Frankly, I'm not a big fan of cars but I love my car, a Honda civic. Though it was a second had from my mom; it still looks new. It even still has the new car smell

"Hello?!" my best friend said, "Don't you dare hang up on me, Millicent!"

"Huh? Wha-oh yeah. Hello?" I said to the receiver, sipping my frap.

Ahh, the bittersweet taste of mocha, full of sugar and caffeine. Jeez, caffeine is all I need to keep me alive, alert, awake and enthusiastic. You know, cause of the sugar and caffeine? yeah. Damn teachers, torturing us students with all the lessons and test.

"Are you or not hanging up on me?" Keanne demanded

"Why my dear lovely sweet friend, I wont do that to you. im just momentarily enjoy a cup of caffeine to keep me awake and calm" I explain.

I open the driver's door, slip the key and start the car, place my mocha fraps on the cup holder before talk again to my infuriated best friend.

"What did you say again?" I asked realizing she is still on the line. Why wont she just hang up already.

"Just meet me at the lobby. Make sure you're coming or I will personally kill you." she said, groaning. Then the line went dead. God, what made her wake up at the wrong side of the bed? Probably she crammed last night too. Bah, knowing her, she would've dozed of before she could read the first word.

Curse this traffic jam! Because of this my best friend will kill me. Literally!

BEEP! BEEP! The car behind me roared.

A silver Mercedes convertible did, to be precise. Wow. Awesome car dude but shut up!


Seriously! Can't the driver avoid doing that, its irritating. Why don't you and your awesome car fly up in the air and be gone. And leaving me in peace at this freaking traffic alone.


"What the fuck! shut up!" I yell(if my mother heard me, she'd be delighted to scrub my mouth with dish washing soap. not. kidding. ) I had the worst Friday night ever. studying instead of lounging around my house relaxing cause it would be the last day of classes this week. Noo, I cram stuff in my puny brain. I feel like a piece of goat shit with my disheveled brown hair, my eyes would pop out any time, im stuck at this fu-freaking traffic and my extremely loud BFF has some period problem(seriously, I know).

Calm down Millicent, a turn a the next curb would end this shit.

Green light.

i've never been excited to be at school but here. I. come.


"Steady. Steady," I mutter, parking my car. BAM! Viola I parked my car! and im back at the second degree of torture, other than nagging parents, school. I grabbed my bag at the passenger's seat and fixed my hair with the help of the rearview mirror. Jeez, can't I leave this shithole and go back to bed. I went out of the car ready to go to class when I forgot my mocha inside the damn car. Ugh, shoot me now.

Have the frap on my hand, all doors of the car closed when I noticed the silver convertible driving its way to the vacant parking slot next to mine. So the shit head, whoever the person is, goes to school here. yay for me. A slam of a door and my head responds to the awful sound, stops me on my tracks. So much of calm aura I have.

"Sheesh! people and slamming doo---" SHIT. I shouldn't have turned around.

I'm caught in those tantalizing turquoise eyes, famous smirk on the lips, sexy messy black hair...

I'm looking at Carter Anderson


Hey there fellow Wattpadders:))

at first i thought this site was for downloading ebooks but i turns out i was a site full on stories made by other people. i read some and it was all AMAZING. it inspired me to write my own

This is like my first story. My one and only story that i took seriously. i dont usually type my stories, i write them in a notebook and show it to my friends. They persuaded me to type it here it is! XD

i hope you enjoy my story and love it<3 let me know by commenting or voting. i would absolutely love it if you would.

thank youuuuu.....

\m/(@_@)\m/ROCK ON

~ cams ~

p.s. sorry for the spelling and grammatical errors. english isnt actually my first language.

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