CHAPTER 5---drama, drama and DRAMA---

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*drum roll*

Presenting---Chapter 5!

P.S. sorry for the long wait!

Imagine a bunny. A cute little bunny that you could squeeze the light out of him and you actually kill it! Then you all go bonkers and go shouting and blaming yourself for the cute little bunny’s death. That how karma is to me. I’m the bunny and karma is the one who’s going to kill me. Well not actually gonna kill me-kill me, you know? Just ruin my day but karma wouldn’t be guilty.

Yesterday, unluckily it was Friday, was the worst day ever. I bumped into Carter, failed in my Algebra test, gets to be tutored by the oh-so-charming-also-smart guy and my car won’t start after my shift at Shelby’s.

Kurt had offered me a ride home since he mention he lived at my street. Oh yeah, he’s my freaking neighbor! How awesome is that! Note heavy sarcasm. I declined the generous offer but he kept on insisting so I gave up and rode with him. The trip was apparently very awkward. Silence covered the atmosphere when Kurt decided to break it. What a guy!

“So…um, how’s Aunt Mary?” he asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

“She’s fine. Still the best mother I know.” I replied. He knew my mom when we were kids, obviously. She was like his second mother. Sure they were close then but now? I have no idea.

“What about Mark?” Kurt said. He absolutely knows the members of my family.

“He’s alive. Still breathing and a pain in the ass.” I chortled. “He turned 10 last month.”


He knew my brother when we were young. Mark was only a baby that time and we were like six or seven. He had been to every single party my parents held for Mark, given that the celebration is at our abode. When Mark turned five or six he never came anymore. Mom wonders why was it that Kurt never showed up to the parties and asked me why. I tell you, the reason he never came to those is that we weren’t that close anymore or whatever That’s what I think.

“How about you?” Kurt suddenly asked, his gaze landing on me; his brown eyes full of sincerity. Sheesh, I forgot how mesmerizing his eyes were. Those deep and chocolate eyes, full of sincerity and mushy stuff that my hormones make me think.  

That question still caught me off guard.

I felt the vehicle twist a little and made my heart skip a beat.

“Keep your eyes on the road!” I yelled after the car swiveled a little. This boy is gonna cause my death at an early age, severely and not the way I wanna die. I want to die of old age with my three kids beside me and the love of my life holding my hand or the other way around.

“You still haven’t answered my question.” he chuckled.

“You’re not gonna stop asking me that, are you?” I sighed.

“Yes, I’m not.”

What does he want me to say? I miss him? No, I won’t say that. My life is a pathetic waste of space? No, I guess. Or you killing me by a car accident at an early age, ruining my future with kids and future husband, would totally ruin my dreams and you’d be forever called a murderous dream-killer. No, too much dramatic discourse.

“I’m okay, I guess?” I responded. Good a safe answer.

He was silent for a moment, not even bothering to reply other than a nod.

“So how long have you and Carter been together?”He finally talked.

What this, an interrogation session?

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