Chapter Five

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"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard" Malfoy deadpanned at Pansy's solution to the Macarius situation.

"That's what I said! But you know Pansy, she doesn't listen" I waved my hands around as I explained, "although yesterday he was sweet to me" I glanced at the floor as a small blush crept to my cheeks.

"Oh Merlin, don't get all gushy around me" Malfoy rolled his eyes, I laughed at him.

"What? You don't want me talking about how much I want to hug him and kiss him?" He faked a gag and packed up his stuff to leave "okay okay sorry, don't worry, I'm never going to be in a relationship with him again" I smiled, he plopped back down into his seat and groaned.

"What even happened between you guys?" He asked, a genuine question as far as I could tell.

"Meh, lost feelings I suppose" I shrugged, it wasn't a complete lie although there was a LOT more than that. Malfoy only nodded his head to my remark but he didn't push forward. Suddenly I noticed Malfoy's eyes lingering on something behind me, I went to turn and look when suddenly I heard a voice.

"Hey! So I was thinking..." Macarius sat down and moved his fingers along my arm. "We go back to our favorite spot? You and me and maybe go see the acid rain?" He asked. Was this a date? Did he really have the balls to ask me out? That wasn't even my favorite spot anymore. I can't believe he would even insinuate that. Reckon it used to be my favorite place to unwind and relax but that was when we were together and far in the past. Where now I only see it as a dull, boring, heartbreaking place.

"No I'm good, I have studying to catch up on" I answered, pulling out my book and flipping to a random page.

"Studying" Malfoy whispered as he snickered, he obviously knew me too well, I could hardly retain any information and sitting for a long period of time was NOT my thing.

"Well I could help you study!" Macarius egregiously replied. Perhaps that was the Ravenclaw of him coming out, I used to admire that about him. He was always so serious about his schoolwork and his academic life.

"Uh sorry but –" I attempted to search for any reasoning but my brain was going blank "Malfoy is helping me tonight and Malfoy doesn't like to tutor more than one person so it's best if we rescheduled"

"WHAT?" Malfoy shouted, clearly upset that I dragged him into my shenanigans. I silently begged with him to let me have this moment. Luckily he didn't speak after that and didn't put up a fight. Macarius seemed to notice the tension that was growing and nodded, leaving us in an awkward silence.

"If I'm being a scapegoat, you're going to actually study" Malfoy spoke up first, I gasped at his words, placing a hand on my chest.

"No way! You know I suck at studying! Don't do this to me" I pleaded with the boy, holding my hands in front of his face, practically begging him.

"It's too late"

I hated him, I genuinely hated him.

Studying was a living nightmare, Malfoy asked a question over and over until I got it right but the problem with that was that there were so many answers. Multiple choice questions didn't help but it didn't take long to learn a system. Malfoy found out the best way to teach me was hands on activities, that's why my spell casting was better than anything else. For potions, he placed ingredients in different color bottles for me to better memorize and mix together. Due to this new memorizing method, I was able to answer questions more quickly and correctly.




Malfoy began to laugh in joy, I raised myself off of Malfoy's bed in excitement and started jumping.

"Dead Man's Posion, name the ingredient!!" Malfoy pointed towards me.

"Blue! Purple! Red! Green!"

"And what are the colors!"

"Knotgrass Sprig! Stench of the Dead! Horklump Juice! And Hazelnut!"

"HELL YEAH!" Malfoy shouted in glee, we were both acting like children on Christmas Day.

Out of nowhere, Malfoy grabbed my face and kissed me. Did not fucking expect that. However I kissed him back, placing my hand on top of one of his. When we pulled away, it seems as though Malfoy was trying to process what we just did. He sat on his bed and was lost deep in thought, I knew it must have been a mistake. I feel so stupid. I feel even more stupid that I wanna do it again.

"Uh- well, thank you for helping me study. I'm going to go back to my room now," I grab my books and fumble around my papers "thanks again" I quickly shuffle out of his room.

Merlin, what do I do?

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