Chapter Twenty One

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Third year approached relatively quickly, more quickly than I had hoped, I was still trying to process everything that has happened in the past two years which was already too much information for my brain to wrap around. Luckily over summer break I was able to study the books and asked my "parents" about everything.

Apparently the reason why they never sent a letter back was because they felt like it was more of an in person conversation, while I understood where they were coming from, I would have preferred if they gave me some sort of closure. During summer break me and Malfoy met up in Hogsmeade to trade books and information with one another. Apparently his father had books about Rowen, why? I had no idea. We were also able to understand the secret language "Archtepical" enough to get by, due to this we were able to cypher the letter. It read,

Through the old world there comes a light,
Between the new world there is sight.
Far away where rocks are high,
There is a truth deep inside.
Water ripple to the keys,
The tests will begin with three.

Of course you could imagine mine and Malfoy's disappointment when it happened to be a riddle, luckily the riddle wasn't too complicated.

Through the old world there comes a light,
Between the new world there is sight,
⤷ Something from the presents connects to the past.

Far away where rocks are high,
There is a truth deep inside.
⤷ In a cave on a mountain.

Water ripple to the keys,
The tests will begin with three.
⤷ Follow the water to find three keys and then some sort of tests will begin.

As time passed, I realized that Malfoy wasn't in fact the one I should have doubted but his father. Yes, they were family but blood meant nothing in this scenario. I knew the moment I could trust Malfoy was when he swiped his father's books relating to Archtepical, from what I have gathered about the boy, he never defied his father, afraid of his wrath. So doing something that could get him in trouble showed me enough to know that he wouldn't betray me. But it seemed as though there was something Malfoy held back from me, I tried not to worry about it too much as it could have nothing to do with this huge discovery.

He also managed to swipe a map and blueprints of Hogwarts, hoping to locate where the caves were. Although no caves were shown on the map which made it frustrating as we had nowhere to begin searching. When we suddenly noticed on the blueprint of Hogwarts, there seemed to be an area that gets caught off towards the basement. Our hypothesis was that there could be a cave underneath the school itself, that's why me and Malfoy are sitting in the train gushing over the thought of a never explored cave system that was beneath our feet this entire time.

"Mohona, uvé wole neä! Yo imajiné Dumbledore neuf euh?"
(Imagine, a whole new world! Do you think Dumbledore knows about it?)

I asked Malfoy excitedly in Archtepical, I was trying to get better with my pronunciation and grammar as Malfoy was trying to memorize certain words better. Malfoy was holding the blueprints of the school in his hand as we studied the paper.

"Tae wufe assi werh, tae muno toe heufmöder eurph"
(I would assume so, I mean he is the headmaster after all)

Suddenly the booth door slides open to reveal Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Macarius. They all step inside and take a seat, me and Malfoy glanced at each other making sure the other one didn't say a word. Especially in Archtepical. He then swiftly placed the blueprints into his bag without anyone noticing.

"I can't wait for the parties!" Macarius spoke up first, which initiated the conversation among everyone.

"You mean you can't wait for the alcohol" I rolled my eyes playfully at him, he laughed at the true statement.

"Well I heard that there was going to be a welcoming party in the Slytherin common rooms if you're interested, why don't you join us Milly?" Crabbe asked.

"Milly doesn't like a lot of people or attention so she may not be able to go," Pansy interjected, she wasn't wrong. I didn't enjoy large crowds for any reason, even if it was a simple birthday party. But I had a feeling she was only speaking up for me to get me not to go.

"Sorry about that" Pany sheepishly apologized to me, I sighed, it's been a while since I was able to really talk to Pansy. I just hope things are glossed over by now, I mean it's a new year after all.

"It's alright" I whispered. As much as I disliked parties, it didn't make me feel any better for someone declining an invitation for me. Maybe I had a changed heart?

"Actually I was thinking maybe I did this time" I finally interjected before the new found confidence would slip away. Malfoy studied me for a moment before looking back out the window.

"That's great news!!! I'm sure Malfoy will be able to come! He always goes to these types of things" Goyle exclaimed excitedly. Well it most certainly cheered up Pansy. Her eyes lit up as she leaned in front more to peer over me and see Malfoy.

"I only go because it's always in our rooms, it's not like I have a choice" Malfoy crossed his arms and leaned back into his seat. A knock was then heard at the door, Macarius (who sat closest to the door) opened the door only to be greeted by an old lady with a trolley full of treats.

"Hello dears, would you like anything from the trolley?" She smiled, Macarius being the fatass he was, bought some chocolate. I stuck my hand in my pockets and pulled them out only to find out I had no money to buy anything. Malfoy must have noticed this because he pulled out some change himself.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked, not even bothering to glance at me as he handed the lady his coins.

"Uh- I would like Drooble Bubble Gum please" I answered him, the lady handed some to me and with that, she left.

Malfoy handed me the sweet delicious bubble gum, to which I put immediately into my mouth, savoring the sweet flavor. The others glancing between us didn't go unnoticed, Malfoy has never volunteered to pay for someone's sweets before, in fact he never paid the trolley lady anything before. Malfoy was never big into sweets, this was a common fact that everyone knew, he much preferred sour snacks or an actual meal. I suppose in his own weird way, it was something he did as a 'thank you' for all that I had done for him the past two years. Who am I to decline an offer like that, after all if I declined his gift then he probably wouldn't handle it very well, at least in front of people. No one ever refused, declined or rejected the Draco Malfoy. Or was that an excuse I told myself?

"So when did you guys become buddy buddy?" Macarius asked, chomping away on his chocolate.

"Marc!!" Pansy hissed at him. Marc? What a weird thing to call him, must be a nickname.

"If anything I should be asking you that. It seems like you and Pansy hang out all the time now" I smirk back at him. I did wonder if Pansy ever got over Malfoy and fell head over heels for Macarius, it seems that Macarius has fallen for the young girl after all.

"That's what friends do, besides she likes someone else" He wiggled his eyebrows towards her direction which in return made her blush. I suppose I was wrong, even after all of this time, she still had feelings for the poor Slytherin boy. I glanced at Malfoy to see how he reacted, hoping it didn't make him too uncomfortable. Although he only stared out the window, attempting to ignore the conversation at play, I didn't blame him though. Malfoy wasn't the type to really care about petty things such as crushes or partake in unnecessary small talk.

"Me and Malfoy had been friends for a while, I thought it was obvious" my voice shrinks. What if Malfoy didn't consider us as friends? It was hard to say for sure. It's not like whatever we had was a secret right?

"Rumors are going around that you guys are dating" Crabbe snickered, Pansy expression quickly transformed into worry as Goyle and Macaraius started laughing hysterically.

"WHAT?!" Me and Malfoy shouted at the same time, he seemed to be inclined to talk now.

Suddenly the train had a blackout, the rain poured hard against the window pain, everyone started to look around the area making sure everyone was okay and trying to figure out what was going on. When I looked out the window, my blood ran cold, I grabbed a hold of Malfoy's robe quickly which caught his attention. He turned towards me then looked in the direction of my eyes, there we saw it.

A Dementor.

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