Chapter Twenty Eight

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" Milly!!! There you are I've been looking for you everywhere!!" Pansy shouted. She was currently running down the halls as it was passing period. I should technically be on my way to beast class but I think we all know how that's going to go. I was just thinking about skipping. It's not like anybody would really notice that I was gone.

"Why were you looking for me?" I asked as I squinted my eyes confused.

"Well, there's a new party and I know that you didn't really get to attend last time and I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me I mean since you agreed last time and everything, you don't have to if you don't want to!!" Never once in a million years would I have ever guessed that Pansy would want to ask me to a party. Was there a special occasion?

"What's the party for?" I asked. Was I really considering going to another party? especially after what happened last time?

"Well, it's less of a party and more of a get together. Like blind dating almost" I shut my head in shock. Blind dating? Now this was something entirely out of my league.

"Why in the world would I ever want to go to a blind dating event?" I frowned.

"Ella told me you were trying to get over your silly crush with Malfoy! I thought I would try to help" that slimy piece of shit.

" Thank you for the offer Pansy....really, but I'm not really interested in blind dating" I figured after I mentioned that it would all be over and done with, but she was so persistent.

"I promise you Macarius is not going to be there, in fact, nobody that we know is going to be there, so you don't have to worry about being judged" that's not really what I was worried about of course, I was still foolishly in love with Malfoy. And even though we weren't together, it kind of felt like I was cheating on him. I looked into Pansy's eyes and I saw them light up. Was it hope that she would finally be able to get with him or that somebody wants to get with me? I couldn't quite be sure. But the way she was staring at me. It was so hard to say no.

"One date, that's it" she started giggling and jumping around like a giddy child. I couldn't help but laugh at it.

When it came to blind dating, I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. I never watched those Muggle shows that showcased any of it before. In fact, I never dated outside of Macarius. I doubted anything would blossom into something serious, but that didn't mean I wanted to make a bad impression. Pansy helped me get all dressed up, despite the fact that I felt completely unlike myself. And led me to where this blind dating event was being hosted.

I should've been more adamant about saying no, because now that I was surrounded by around twenty different people in the singular room, I couldn't help but feel anxious. It was far too late to turn back now though, I just had to keep persevering. I told myself that this was just for Pansy, but maybe I was just trying to convince myself that there was nothing going on between me and Malfoy. Maybe deep down I wanted something else to happen.

I know it was stupid, but I also hopelessly prayed that I'd see Malfoy there at the event and we would just runoff together. But all of that was just figment of my imagination, perhaps later tonight I can just dream about it. Here I was talking to a random guy name Steven Wiggs, he was somewhat attractive not too bad, but his goals and ambitions were far too high. He definitely seemed like an overachiever, and I do admire that somewhat but there is a point where they could become a workaholic. This was one of those cases.

He's been practically talking about his work the entire time we've had a conversation, not wanting to change the topic or even talk about myself. I just silently listened to him go on ranting about his life and his accomplishments although I wasn't very interested. There was a reason why these people were a part of the blind dating group. I wouldn't wanna date any of these people.

My feet were getting tired, and my socialization battery was getting very low. I just wanted to lull myself to sleep, maybe in Malfoy's arms. I wonder where Malfoy is right now. Is he thinking about me too?

"Earth to Milly!!" Nina snapped. I quickly blinked and zoned back into reality. My mind has been wandering this entire time accidentally. She must've thought I was being rude.

"Sorry about that" I apologized.

"You're fine! But you don't look too well, it's getting pretty late maybe you should head back!" I sighed, she was right. I was exhausted.

"It's great to know you, Nina. I think I'll turn in for the night. Thank you." I waved a goodbye to her as I turned my heel to walk out.

I never wanted to leave so badly before.

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