Chapter Thirty One

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"Holy fuck" I heard cursing, I looked up to see Macarius and....Pansy? Who knows what they are doing out here this late at night. Or is it morning? I don't even understand the concept of time right now.

"Oh my Merlin! Are you okay?" A worrisome Pansy was the last thing I expected to see.

"I'm okay" I coughed. She ushered Macarius to come over as they slowly lift me off the ground. I groaned in pain as they lifted me, I was so ready to climb into bed and sleep for hours without any interruptions.

We reached the infirmary soon enough, the nurses panicked as they rushed me onto one of the cots.
IV fluid.
Anywhere I turned my head, there was a nurse doing something. Something I most likely didn't understand. I felt my head grow dizzy and my vision blurry, how badly I wanted to sleep. Although that must have been the worst thing to do as when I closed my eyes for a moment, I felt a light smack on my cheek. I fluttered my eyes open only to hear a nurse shout at me.

"Stay awake!!"

But it was useless, I was too tired and ended up closing my eyes once again. Drowning the pleas of nurses. How much blood did I even loose? Was I still bleeding? I must have been bleeding for a while. Where is Pansy and Macarius? Where's Malfoy? How desperately I wanted to be in Malfoy's arms right now.


I groaned in pain, I placed a hand on my head trying to apply pressure to the pain. Although I doubt it would help any. I slowly opened my eyes and saw on the side of my bed was a sleeping Malfoy draped over with his head in the blankets. I smiled at the boy, I must have worried him to death, how long has he been sitting here? I turned my head to see a nurse pop up with a glass of water and medication.

"Thank you" I grabbed the glass from her and took the medicine. I then noticed my hand and arm was bandaged, I didn't even want to see my leg. Luckily it was under the covers, away from sight.

"You gave everyone quite a scare, especially this young boy" she whispered softly, afraid to wake up the sleeping child. "You should have seen him, he refused to leave your side for days—"

"Days? Oh Merlin, how long was I out for?" I interrupted.

"Only about a couple days, we were honestly super worried. Don't worry, we implanted a feeding tube and an IV bag so you wouldn't starve or become dehydrated" she smiled softly.

"A couple of days??" My eyes widened. Oh Merlin, I suppose I did overexert my magical abilities too. I turned to see the boy's shallow breathing.

"And Malfoy? He was here the entire time?" It was hard to believe. Yeah we were close, maybe not quite dating but even I had a hard time to believe he would be by my side for so long.

"Yup! He refused to eat unless you were fed. He also refused to go back into his common room even past curfew. And skipped all his classes. He's stubborn that's for sure, but when Dumbledoor saw the extent of your injuries, he allowed Malfoy to say for as long as he needed" she informed me. Visiting me everyday was one thing that was hard enough to believe but Malfoy went above and beyond.

"How bad is it?" I asked, referring to my injuries.

"Well, we have some good news!!" the nurse began "good news is that we were able to repair most of the damage and your arm will heal perfectly well, we did have to stitch your leg though" I blinked slowly, trying to retain the new information but for some reason my brain was not wanting to compute. (Was this trauma?)

"Take it easy, not just for you but for him too" she gestured to the boy and then left. I sighed and leaned further into the pillow, hoping that I could sink and drown into a peaceful abyss.

I heard a groan and turned my head to face the sleepy blonde. I just know he must not be comfortable slouching over the bed sleeping for days. His back will surely thank him later, I couldn't help but chuckle at how stubborn he was, but he was Malfoy after all. He gets what he wants, does what he wants, says what he wants. I place my hand on his head and carefully run my fingers through his blonde locks. You know, he looks quite cute when he is peacefully sleeping.

A soft groan escaped from him yet again and he slowly sat up, cracking his back and slumped in the chair.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I laughed, Malfoy eyes widened when he saw me bright as I could be.

"For fuck sakes, it's about time you woke up" he because to shout angrily. "Do you know how long I have been here! I thought you were fucking dead! I was—"

I began to pull the key out of my pocket and hold it up to him, interrupting his ranting. His eyes narrowed then turned to me.

"I thought you said there were supposed to be three keys ?"

"There was but she said this was the most important key in finding one of the creators" I handed him the key to inspect, it had a very strange design on the bit.

"She?" He raised an eyebrow.

"There was a statue that told me, apparently she was a guardian of all of these keys. She told me something strange...." Malfoy waited for me to carry on "she said that when the creators were killed and only two survived, the magic was unbalanced. There was a reason for a certain amount of creators. They are made of magic, it's kind of what keeps them going like a heartbeat, a current of some sort. The magic flows between them but when you take away a balanced flow it's hard for magic to be controlled and stable...."

"So how is it affecting to two creators?" Malfoy asked.

"I'm not sure, but I know it can't be good....the statue told me one of creators gave some of their magic to inanimate objects to store it. Apparently the magic was getting too much for them to handle" Malfoy place a hand on his chin, unsure how to proceed with this new found information.

"What happens if there are no creators left, what happens to the magic?"

"It dies. Everything dies. No more Hogwarts. No more anything." I frowned. Malfoy seemed conflicted upon hearing this.

"Another thing she said....she called me a creator" I glanced down at my hands as I watched yellow and green smokey lights appear, twisting itself around my hand and wrist. Studying it.

"I figured it was obvious, you are a descendent of a creator so wouldn't you also be considered one? You possess abilities that we could only dream of"

"Yes but...I don't know, I feel like it's something different" the lights disappear and I lower my hand down. "You know how my power becomes too much for me to handle and I end up passing out?" He only nodded "I feel like another creator is dying and I only hope it's not my dad" I sigh.

"Well we won't know until we find them, for now just focus on getting some rest. I'll bring by our work and hopefully things get better"

"Don't even bother with my Defence Against the Dark Arts class, since I discovered this new power thing, I haven't used it in front of anyone....besides you of course. They don't even know I don't have a wand, I just insist it's boring and never do the work....I'm surprised I haven't been taken out of that class yet" I explained.

"So you're failing?"

"Practically, but don't worry about it, I'll explain the situation to Dumbledoor. I'm sure he already understands the situation, that would explain why I haven't been taken out of class yet" I shrugged.

"Alright, I'll be back" Malfoy said as he stood up, I quickly grabbed ahold of his wrist.

"Thank you Malfoy, for everything" I smiled, I saw a small smile begin to form, small but it was there.

I let go of him and he began to walk away.

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